Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Whilst I had my weekend away, Steve decided to go down and join his parents for the weekend and take his dad out fishing.. He still likes to go out but we really he is at an age now where he should really have someone go out with him... It is hard getting old, especially when physically you find it difficult to do the very things that you love.

 I am sure that we sure that we are all heading that way so that is another reason we are keen to retire and enjoy life whilst we can..


I can understand why Steve's Dad loves being out fishing..

There is something really good especially for your mental health in being outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine, and being out on the water is really very relaxing...



They had a reasonable catch for an afternoon out on the water...  but Steve now has to fillet the fish for him, as since his stroke he finds it difficult to do some of the fine motor skill actions... At least by being down there with them, he was able to do this for his Mum..

He is going to try and get down there a little more often to take his Dad out...

We would definitely feel better if there was always someone out with him..


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