Monday, August 31, 2020


It is the day before Spring and my garden is blooming....

I love walking out each day and checking out the garden and seeing the  changes in my garden each day...  more and more flowers are blooming...

The azaleas are blooming today....

 This afternoon, I visited my favourite nursery at Gracemere looking for an African Daisy for my garden and I found a lovely purple one.  I also found a lot of other beautiful plants that I want to put on my wish list for next year when I develop more of our gardens....  

Stunning double petunias...

One of my favourites and definitely on my wish list...

Wish I am enjoying gardening by planting colourful plants.  Steve has enjoyed growing the vegetables. Currently we have lots of herbs planted, rocket, lettuce, peas, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, tomoates, strawberries, chillies,  and capsicum and then we have the fruit trees, peaches, limes, lemons, oranges, paw paws, mangoes.... it is wonderful to see the produce growing and even nicer to be able to go out and pick them fresh...

Sweet potatoes straight from our garden...

 This week he has bought big sweet potatoes in... What to do with them... Tonight we are having fish and sweet potato chips along with salad mostly made from vegetables grown in our garden...


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