Monday, August 31, 2020


 Each term our church holds a Table of 8's evening...

This is a night where 8 different folk are invited for dinner and the host contacts them and lets them know We were down to host this time round so last Tuesday I was given the names of those folk that would be dining at our place and then it was up to me to contact them and let them know they were coming to our place and work with them to come up with a meal to share...

Quite often, people hold BBQs but it was a little cool so we decided to have a sit around the table meal...

Dianne and Eleonore supplied desert for us and the other three couples provided a main meal...

I wanted people to feel special so I set the table up nicely to create a restaurant style atmosphere..

Dinner was scheduled for 6.30pm.  Most were there by then.  We sat and chatted for a while before being seated... Our main course consisted of Lasagna, Chicken Korma, and Red Curry Prawn Risotto which was just delicious...

For desert, we had chocolate self saucing pudding and apple crumble served with custard, ice cream and whipped cream.. Just a beautiful meal and wonderful company.  It was a lovely evening.

I made the Red Curry Prawn Risotto and a tossed salad....

Tossed Salad

Our Table of 8 Guests....

Lovely evening with wonderful guests...

I glad that we organise this wonderful evenings... It is a great way to mix and mingle with people that you might not even think to have around and yet it always turns out to be a great night and you just get to know people so much better...


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