Thursday, September 3, 2020


 It's the start of a new month so the "Circle of Friends" ladies all met at Di's place for morning tea this morning.  There would have been a dozen of us ladies meeting today.  Everyone bought a plate to share for morning tea and we had a great time catching up....

Enjoying a lovely morning tea at Dianne's place

Coral and Dot

Joyce and Heather

Dawn and Sharyn

Our table

Beryl and Marg

Doreen and I

Dianne and Coral

Eleonore and Kay

We played a bit of a get to know you game today as there are a few new woman who have joined our group in the last couple of months ( me being one of them).  My friend Eleonore retired two weeks ago also so she has now joined us also....

We all had to write three facts about ourselves that others might not know.  These were then all cut up and put in a bowl.. We all drew a few of the statements out and had to guess who each statement belonged too..

It was a great way to get to know each other and also to start conversations....  We all learnt new things and we all had a good laugh.  

I am really enjoying meeting up with these lovely woman and I look forward to our time together each Wednesday.  In fact I am going to miss catching up with them when we take off in a few weeks time...


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