Thursday, September 3, 2020


Today was a bit of a crafting day for me...

My friend Ann came over and we put together a couple of "Date Night in a Box"boxes for a couple of young couples at church...  We are both part of an encouragement group that meets each month to organise ways in which to encourage folk that we feel needs encouraging...

We wanted to cover and decorate a box to put our goods in...

 At our last meeting, we decided to encourage our younger couples by organizing a "Date Night in a Box" box of goodies for each couple.  We have six couples on our list so our plan was to encourage two couples each month which means that by the end of the year they will have all received a box.  




 The boxes we have prepared this month, include items to cook a meal together and  with non alcoholic wine, candles and chocolates...

Goodies to cook a meal together....

 Ann and I had a lot of fun putting it together today..  

We were pretty happy with the way our boxes turned out...

Here's hoping that they will be a huge encouragement to the couples we will be giving them too...

My box all completed...


Ann's completed box


All ready to be delivered this weekend....


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