Thursday, September 24, 2020


Earlier in the year when Steve was due to retire back in April, the girls were coming up to surprise Steve for his final parade at school and then we were going to take him out for dinner... 

All of that changed when COVID hit, and all traveling and celebrations were cancelled...

This time it wasn't possible for them to come up as Chloe was moving into her new house that week, and Sarah had a backlog of assignments and as we were coming down to Brisbane the day after he retired we decided to celebrate in Brisbane instead.

 Sarah and Colin booked a table in the city at a nice Indian Restaurant called "Indian Mehfil",  they had their own speciality which we tried and it was good, but the stand out piece was their Naan Bread, especially their cheese and garlic.  The bread was a bit thinner than Indian Naan bread that we have had before but seemed to be filled with a cream cheese or goat's cheese and it was absolutely delicious.  The meals were a generous size so in the end, Sarah and I decided to share a meal. 

Dan & Chloe with their Watermelon Colada...


Watermelon Colada


Steve enjoying his Watermelon Colada


We started off with drinks, with most of us ordering the standard, Coke Zero, Lime, Lemon and Bitters, but Chloe and Dan ordered a Watermelon Colada.  It was beautiful...  So nice and refreshing... in the end they ordered one for Steve also.  I got to share some of his....

All out for dinner together as a family..


The other great thing about this restaurant is that they do a basic children's menu, so the kids were happy to order chicken nuggets and chips.

The service here was excellent.  There were 8 in our party and the waitress was able to take out orders without writing any of it down.. and no mistakes were made.    Our meals arrived promptly to our table as well..

The naan bread was amazing.

We had booked an early dinner, mainly because we had the children with us.  they were so well behaved in the restaurant that we decided to go for a little walk along the Eagle Street Pier along the river.  Max was super excited to be in the city and super excited to see the laser show that lit up the night sky.  He was on a real high.  

The walk along the river was lovely.  A little cool, but beautiful expecially with the city lights all reflecting on the river...


There were lots of folk riding bikes and scooters along the pier and Willow was keen to get a scooter and ride along it with either her Aunty Chloe or her Poppy.  In the end it was Poppy who took her riding along the Pier..

Even I go to go for a scooter with Steve.  It felt a little weird at first but we actually had a lot of fun riding the scooter along beside the river..

We probably hired the scooter for a good half an hour... We could not convince Max to hop on with Poppy... He was just happy to run along side as we rode it..

It was a beautiful walk along the Pier with lots of folk out enjoying the many restuarants along this walk..

We managed to get a few family photos also.  Just missing our big boy who is over on the other side of the world.  It's times like this we really miss him...

 As it was getting a little late, Sarah & Colin decided to leave us here and head back to his car so they could head home.

We had walked a little longer on the Pier and then it started spitting with rain.  We noticed a dark cloud coming our way, so hurried back to where you catch the city cats.  At least that way we would keep dry when the down pour came...
There is no way that poor Sarah and Colin could have got back to their car before the rain came as we had come quite some distance along the pier,  so we were feeling very sorry for them as they would have got drenched for sure.
Dan and Chloe were with us and waited with us until the rain eased off, so we got a few photos all together..
Party Boat on the Brisbane River...

Dan and Chloe took off after the heavy shower when it was still spitting with rain to go pick up the car...  
We thought they got back to us pretty quickly, and then found out that they had hired another scooter and piggybacked back to the car park to pick up the car.  They ran us to let us know to meet them outside the Pig and Whistle.   I would have loved to have completed the walk but we would have got wet as there is no way I can walk as fast as they could....

It was a lovely evening,  so nice for us all to be out together... It doesn't happen often enough.
Feeling very blessed and grateful for this family..


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