Thursday, September 24, 2020


On Monday afternoon we took the children to Sky Zone in Mt Gravatt Brisbane.  My good friend Jannett's daughter Lana is one of the managers of these facilities in Australia and New Zealand and she had offered for us to bring the Grandchildren.  

She has offered an afternoon there to us a few times but I always felt a little bad about taking her up on the offer... This time her Mum pushed us to do so much so in that she organised a time and all for us to attend..

We honestly thought we were just going for an hour to jump on the trampolines but when we got there we were in for a total surprise... 

Arriving at Sky Zone for an afternoon of Fun

We were greeted at the door by one of the hostesses who gave us a tour of the whole facility....

It turned out that all of the activities were available to us.  Just the trampolining alone, we were able to jump, do the ninja warrior course,  jump and shoot hoops, and another area of jumping as well...

The next hour we were able to do the high ropes and rock climbing area and finally end the afternoon with a game of Laser Tag.  Max was super excited about that one..

The girls fixed us all up with socks to wear...

Once the children were ready we heading over to the mini trampoline mats for them to have a jump...

They spent a good half hour jumping here before deciding they wanted to try something else so we headed over to the Ninja Warrior course.  Sarah joined Willow on this course as Max wasn't really sure and didn't want to try it.  He was more keen on doing the Laser Tag so that he could shoot Poppy...  Found it a bit hard to wait for that one.,..

Meanwhile whilst the girls were on the Ninja Course, Steve showed Max how to jump on the trampoline and shoot some balls into the hoop.  He really liked doing this...

Max shooting hoops...

It didn't take long for Sarah and Willow to join Max in shooting hoops...

Whilst the kids were shooting hoops, they started a bit of a competition which meant that if you could shoot a hoop from the floor in front of the trampoline mat, you would win a slushie... Both Sarah and Willow lined up to do this although neither were successful.  Sarah came close with her ball bounching off the hoop.  Max continued to shoot his ball into the smaller hoop and even when Sarah and Willow moved on to the next trampoline mats, Max stayed behind shooting his hoop.

With just a little over five minutes left until their trampolining time was up, they all (including Sarah) headed back to the little mats to finish off their jumping time there...

Once the jumping time was up we had a fifteen minute wait until the girls could start their climbing.  Steve passed on this one as he has been having a lot of trouble with his heel and didn't want to aggravate it before we take off on our holidays. 
Max enjoying his muffin for afternoon tea...
Max was hungry so I sat with him to have some afternoon tea whilst both Sarah and Willow went through their orientation for the rock climbing...

I am so incredibly proud of Willow who although a little afraid of heights had a go at all of the obsticles. 
Getting their harnesses on...

Sarah begins her climb

Willow followed her Mum's lead....

Then Willow had a go on her own...

The next activity they had a go at were the climbing Columns...

These were really high and quite scary but Willow made it to the tallest one... We were so very proud of her, especially her Mum, because when she got their herself, she realized just how high and scary they were because it was a bit of a Wow moment for her also....

Willow had a bit of trouble with the last wall they wanted to climb.. She had trouble with her shoes slipping by the time she was half way up the wall and then she started getting a little discouraged...

Once Max finished his afternoon tea we sat in the big chairs to watch the climbs do their climb....

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Willow and Sarah had worked up a sweat with all their climbing and were keen to stop and have a drink and their slushies before heading in to do their Laser Tag.  Poor Max he had been waiting the whole afternoon to do this so he wasn't hugely impressed when he need to wait a bit longer for everyone else to have their afternoon tea....

Afternoon tea for Willow and Sarah

Steve enjoying his Apple and Cinnamon Muffin..

Finally it was time to head into the Laser Tag.

Max was super excited,  he had been waiting all afternoon to do this.... In the end, Max, Willow, Steve and Sarah worked as a team against a group of teenage girls....

They all came out with grins on their face....

What a great afternoon.  We thought we were going for an hour's jump on the trampolines and we were their for almost five hours.  A HUGE thank you to Lana Humble for this wonderful experience... The kids have had the best day and we will definitely have to do this again....


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