Monday, September 21, 2020


 Well today’s end his 40 years of teaching, inspiring and moulding the lives of countless students. 

A day of mixed emotions...  excitement that it was actually the last day this time around... wondering whether he would get all his jobs done.... last day of mini pies and sausage rolls (they supply them in the dining room at lunch time each week and Steve enjoys them).  Time to hand in the keys.... he has held these for 40 years....   Time to hand in camera's and computers.... we have been blessed for many years in that these have been supplied to Steve and we have been able to use them for personal use as well..  It feels a little weird that all these little ties to the school are now gone...  

Last cuppa and lunch at work.....

 But what a career you have had... you have always been so passionate about instilling a love of learning and research into the lives of the kids who have been fortunate to sit in your classes.... Amazingly even your own kids wanted you as their teacher. Love you to the moon and back... 

I'm so proud of you and I'm looking forward to many new and exciting adventures together with you in the years ahead. 

It was a bit of an anticlimax to your last day... No big sendoff...  you had to say the goodbyes...  a sign of the times when everyone is so busy and the goodbyes were said six months ago.... Even then it was all scaled back due to COVID..  You did get this little note from the boss as you left though...

Still I wanted it to be a memorable day for you so a surprise dinner was organised with a few friends..  Glad we were able to surprise you tonight and celebrate this special day with you...

You had no idea... you thought that just you and I were heading out for dinner... 

Charlie and Karen, Glen and Lorraine, Eleonore and Sirio and Sharyn all came to surprise you and celebrate this milestone in your career and life...  The best part of it was that you had no idea....

Celebrating us.... we've made it this far together and I'm looking forward to the adventures ahead.
Eleonore and I
Sharyn and Sirio
Glen and Lorraine
Karen and Charlie...

When we arrived there was a official looking envelope on the table addressed to Steve.  No one seemed to know where it came from... Or if they did, they weren't letting on...

Official Government Letter for Seniors....

As Steve opened it, he found all sorts o envelopes with packages in them...


 The first was a starter pack for the day and contained a couple of loyalty cards for great coffee shops in town...

The next packet that got opened was the Grey Nomad's Emergency Shower Kit.  This also had a caravaning DVD attached to it...

Dental supplies came next...
Then there was some oxygen on demand...
Then we had the communication kit...

The Covid-19 PPE

I have never seen plastic gloves as huge as these ones were, and it bought the table to laughter... In fact there was a lot of laughter and trying to guess where this package came from....

Finally the last envelope contained this..

Steve wanted to know if he could collect on this...

In the end Glen confessed to having put this little kit together for Steve...   He had been very quiet whilst Steve opened it all...   The others were guessing to whether it was our kids that had done it....

The thought was much appreciated and he would have gone to a bit of trouble to put it all together....

Steve also received some nice cards along with chocolate and wine...

Card from Glen and Lorraine...

Card from Sharyn and Sirio...

Card from Charlie and Karen...

I had organised a special retirement cake for desert...  Something else that was a bit of a surprise for Steve.  They bought it out with a sparkler on it.   

It was a great night.. Steve got a big surprise and even though the other couple didn't necessarily know the others, they all got along very well and seemed to enjoy the evening also..

Love you to the moon and back... so proud of you and looking forward to many new and exciting adventures together in the years ahead. Glad we were able to surprise you tonight and celebrate this special day with you...


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