Sunday, September 20, 2020


 Finally,  after  a settlement of 60 days, moving day has arrived.

They took possession of the keys at 4.30pm on a Friday afternoon and the sold sign went up on the sign in front of their house...

They were so excited.  We got a call as soon as they got their keys and then we got a video tour through the house.  They made multiple trips backwards and forewards from their unit to the house that night...


It's finally theirs...

They had arranged for a removalist truck to be dropped off at their unit at 7am the following morning to move all their main gear,

Lots of help from their upstairs neighbours,,,

Their neighbours from upstairs were a great help helping with the heavy furniture into the truck...

Dan had a friend and his brother-in-law Colin at the other end to help with the heavy furniture at their new place...

Saturday was a HUGE day as they bought the rest of their gear over in a couple of truck loads of gear.

Sarah helped Chloe unpack and helped to organise the Kitchen and the Bathroom and Linen cupboards...

Dan took off to pick up the BBQ they had bought the previous week, but still needed to be picked up.

The children (Max and Willow) had a wonderful day playing in the cubby that came with the house, and also playing with all the packing boxes where again they made all sorts of cubby houses...

They worked their buts off Saturday and Sunday, and both of them had taken the day off on Monday to try and complete the move.... Chloe had to set up her office as she is still working from home...

Their place is a real credit to them...

Organising the kitchen..

By the time we arrived down, most of the hard work was done and we just had a few little loose end jobs to do...  we got to enjoy it more...

Sarah's kids love this house as it has come with a swing set, cubby house and sand pit.  They coerced Poppy into climbing into it with them and playing a few games.

Of course we set off to find flowers as a house warmig gift,,

We had a bit of trouble finding some but in the end we came across these beautiful pink blooms.....


We finished the evening with drinks on the back deck and a lovey cooked meal.

Enjoying drinks on the back deck...

I'm so happy for these guys.  They have worked so hard and saved even harder to buy their dream home.

It has been fun watching them this weekend as they tackle the yard work, gurney down the paths and stairs and just revelling in finally being a home owner.....


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