Thursday, September 17, 2020


 This outing is the last outing for a while I will get to catch up with these lovey ladies....

We are head off on adventures of our own in the next few weeks...

Last week, the ladies all went to Sharyn's place for morning tea.  

I made a apple tea cake.... trying to use up the food in my fridge before we leave....

My apple tea cake was a hit...

 Sharyn had a lovely out back area all set up for morning tea that overlooked her beautiful garden.   It is always a joy to meet with these lovely ladies... There is always plenty of chatter and laughs and I will miss them whilst I am away...

After morning tea we all headed inside to play some board games..

Sharyn had a couple of tables set up.  a group of us played "Five Crowns...

Kay in deep concentration

Can I go out this this????

The ladies at the other table were having a game of Rummykin....

There were quite a few laughs coming from their table also...

I might be one of the youngest ladies in this group of woman, but I do enjoy their company and I love all the different outings that they plan around town.  I will miss catching up with them all whilst we are away traveling....


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