Thursday, January 29, 2009

Little Miracles.

Last night I was here and read this

Little Miracles - I think it’s really easy to take for granted the little ways God works in our lives. Small things that we think are just “coincidences” - tiny events that to us are easy to overlook or attribute to something else. But today, I’m really thinking about how those are miracles in and of themselves. No, maybe not as dramatic as raising Lazarus from the dead or feeding 5000 with a few loaves of bread and fish, but miracles nonetheless. Little moments in which God answers the prayers of His children. Sometimes in ways they never expect. I’m thankful for that.

This got me thinking about the many many little miracles that we experience each and every day and so often we neglect to see them as God's provision for us. One such miracle happened to me today. We seem to be having car drama's at the moment. Yesterday and this morning we had this happen
We had to get up specially early this morning to take this car in for a service. Steve pumped the tyre enough to get us to the garage just down the road. I took the Troupe Carrier and picked him up and delivered him to work and then took the second car to work with me.
This afternoon as I left to go race home and get Chloe for work, once again I ended up being stranded. This time our second car just refused to start. Poor Chloe, I had to ring her and ask her to walk to work (she wasn't hugely impressed as it was prety hot here today)

Anyway my wonderful man came to the rescue again only this time he could not start the car at all. Now normally when you ring the RACQ they can take an hour or more to arrive - but it just so happened that the lady directly accross the road also suffered a punctured tyre this afternoon and just as Steve realized that he was unable to fix the car, the RACQ arrived to help the her which meant that they were also able to help us without us having to wait for ever. That was the first Miracle. Second miracle was that he managed to get the car started and I then drove Steve over to pick us our other car from the garage. Anyway, we had to wait for a few minutes, and then Steve took off to take the car back to where we had paid to have the tyre repaired the day before.

I try to start the car and it is just absolutely dead - nothing was happening, and this is where the third miracle took place. We are at our garage and they are able to come take a look at the car. Well it turns out that the car is not driveable and needs to be left in the car hospital for a day or so. Our mechanic was amazed that we even managed to get the car started and get it over to them - I'm not - it was just another one of those little God miracles of which I am so thankful for today.
So today we started the day like thisand ended the day like thisand whist I could have been terribly frustrated about the inconvenience and waste of time, I am actually in awe of how God worked to provide the help we need exactly where we needed it. It was not a coincidence - it was a Little God Miracle and I am so thankfully for a Heavenly Father who loves and provides for us regardless of the circumstances in our lives at the tme.

Now I have been tagged again today by the very lovely Mel.
Here's the deal.

You just go to the place on your computer where you store your photos, then to the sixth folder, then to the sixth photo. Take that photo, put it on your blog and tell it's story!

Ok this is the photo I came accross. Not that spectatular - a photo of Chloe taken at her very last ever school dance. My baby is coming of age. She's growing up and I am not sure that I am really ready for it. It seems like it was only yesterday that I bought her home from hospital, and here she is now a wonderful caring, independant, strong young woman ready to spread her wings and fly. I am so proud of the young woman that she has become, but at the same time a little sad that it won't be much longer before she has flown the nest completely.

Anyway I need to tag six other wonderful ladies who's blogs both inspire and encourage me.


and Gail.

Looking forward to seeing what you find in the sixth file on your computers.


Anthea January 30, 2009 at 9:13 AM  

hey Karen, I still read your blog, just too lazy to comment (insert blushing smilie here) anyway thankyou for the tag, you also have been tagged on my blog! LOL
Cars hey, we had so much trouble with ours in QLD we had to get a new one, and would you believe the one we had trouble with drove like a dream all the way from Brissy home!

Melanie H January 31, 2009 at 10:22 AM  

I think God has ways of showing that he is looking over us and this displays it. Hopefully the car will be fixed soon and won't cost you the earth.

That is a wonderful photo of Chloe.
It is symbolic photos like this one that makes the art of photography so worth it.

Anonymous February 1, 2009 at 8:57 AM  

Hope the car is up and running quickly for you Karen and that it's not a big major issue with it.

Thanks for sharing that pic and it's story - that is such a fabbo idea for a tag.

chat soon
Julie xx

Unknown February 2, 2009 at 7:15 PM  

thanks for the tag :)

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