Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Get Real Baby for this week.

Keeping it real this week.

Really, although I made big plans to exercise this week, I was secretly happy that my exercise buddy cancelled out for another couple of days. Just need to get to be earlier tonight so that I can get up in the morning and swim.

Really, I have been slack with getting a mini album made for our RLO Farewell. I know I should have it completed by now but I am just struggling to get motivated and inspired enough to do it.

Really, I have been slack at getting some more of the CJ's done, I am struggling to do these at the moment when all I feel like doing is getting some of our family pages up to date.

Really, This week, I have been busy and instead of having my QT's first thing in the morning, I have left them till later in the evening and then I am too tired and struggle even to stay awake whilst reading my Bible. I need to give God my time first before anything else.

Really, I let the washing pile up over the weekend, and instead of getting it on the line, I used the clothes dryer.

Really, I just had a feed of crackers with Fruit and Nut cheese, and I didn't really need it, it wasn't as if I was hungry. I need to watch what I am eating more.

Really, I am not looking forward to going away for the weekend in a couple of weekends time. I would rather sleep in my own bed, and have my own space. What is wrong with me.

I am thankful Lusi that you challenged us to do this because this challenge has inspired me to make some changes and I am praying that this keeping it real will be even more of an encouragement to make changes and become more of the woman God wants me to be.

There are some good things that have happneed this week and these are some of the things I am thankful for.

1. I am thankful for the time that Chloe and I have had this week just reading the word of God together.
2. I am thankful for yummy roast dinners and baked vegetables that we had for dinner tonight.
3. I am thankful for the beauty that surounds me - being seeing lots of lovely things and plants in our garden that all too often I just take for granted. (Pictures here)
4. I am thankful that our house is air conditioned and we have some relief from all this heat and humidity we have been experiencing lately.
5. I am so so thankful for the 6-7 inches of rain we have had in the last week.
6. I am thankful that our ironing lady is back and that is one less job I have to worry about each week - it is so nice to get up each morning and have everything ironed and ready for us.
7. I am thankful that Chloe is actually helping to carry the burden at home a little more this year.

Now I am off to Bed, I have a 5.45am start in the morning (this is so not my tiime to be getting up) because I am going swimming with a friend. I must have rocks in my head.


Anonymous February 19, 2009 at 8:44 AM  

I smiled at your 'really' statements for this week ... because I can relate to most of them myself ... and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one! So did you get up early to swim? Does it feel good?

Melanie H February 19, 2009 at 11:45 AM  

I hope your swimming date went well with your friend.

I am the same with eating Karen, I eat for the sake of it but I read something this week (I can't remember where) that to change the way you think about diets take it by week.

Week 1- you must eat a good breakfast and for the rest of the day you can eat what you want.

Week 2- Eat a good breakfast and a good lunch but the rest of the day you can eat what you want.

Week 3- Eat a good breakfast, lunch and tea/dinner and after tea, you can eat what you want.

Week 4- All meals have to be good.

Im only 2 days into Week 1 but it has really made me feel a whole lot better. By lunch Im not a hungry after my good breakfast (usually a smoothie) and I don't snack for the rest of the day, I actually eat better.

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