Monday, May 28, 2012


Another Scrap Retreat has come and gone.  There were mixed emotions this time,  After eight years, this is the very last time that we can hold our scrap camp at "The Lodge" as they are now going to tear this building down to make way for more cabins.  So this meant that this was the very last scrap camp we could hold at Cool Waters.  We do have a new venue in mind for next year,  unfortunately it is a little more expensive so scrap camps as we have known them are about to change.  We hope for the good. 

I was a bit of a slack photographer this camp..... maybe it had to do with the fact that the weather wasn't as kind to us.  It rained most of the time.... maybe it had to do with the fact that camp was a little smaller..... maybe it had to do with the fact that a few of us had back issues..... whatever the reasons, I didn't get the normal group photos or even photos of us scrapbooking.  I did take quite a few of our Saturday night fun though.

Here I am packed ready for camp.....

The car was loaded to the hilt and very little of it was clothes and bedding etc.  Most of it was scrap supplies.

My partners in crime...
a huge thank you to them both this year as they carried a lot of the organizing load as I was away for most of the early part of this year when we do a lot of the shopping and a lot of the planning. 
For the most part it was a very wet

and cold camp
retreat this year, and our umbrellas, warm socks and slippers were out in full force.  
I must say a big thankyou to both of these beautiful ladies
Who gave up their weekend  to come down and do this for us

They cooked amazing meals for us and blessed us in so many ways.   Our girls love that they can come away and not have to think about meals, but can just come up and have their meal and head straight back to scrapbook.  This is always a labour of love by our cooks, and we are so grateful and thankful for your kindness towards us.  

On Saturday nights we always have a special dress up theme dinner.  The girls never cease to amaze us with their creativity and originality when it comes to the dress up part of the dinner.    This year our theme was "A Mad Hatter's Tea Party"..... 
The tables were set for a tea party,
and we decorated the dining room to make it look like a "Mad Hatter's Tea Party".  We had these lovely guests visit us as well. 



and the stipulation was that you must wear something on your head as if you were going out for a High Tea.  The girls were amazing.  
Katrina went the whole way and came up with this.  Cat( short for Katrina) in a Hat....
She did an awesome job with her costume and looked amazing.   

Our cooks cooked us an amazing roast dinner which we all enjoyed and desert was an assortment of little tarts, cupcakes and mudcake (all very nice).

After dinner we had the customary photo shoot so that we could all have photos to scrap to remember yet another great scrap retreat.    These are some of the shots we managed to get. 
Group  Shot
Really came up well with the extra props.  

Camp numbers were smaller this year and I am not sure if that was the reason why so many of us seemed to get some many more layouts done.   Maybe we didn't talk quite so much, but I surprised my self by getting 10 pages ( 7 layouts) done.  That must be an all time record for me.  Just need to finish the journalling on a couple before I photograph them.  It was a good weekend, even if a couple of us had back problems, and spent the weekend popping pain killers so that we could at least stay in an upright position to scrapbook.  

I have more photos from Pete too so will need to  update his travels again soon also.  I'm feeling pretty tired now though so think I might head off for a nanna nap, but will be back in the next couple of days to upload my layouts.  
Before I go, I just want to leave you with these couple of quotes that were sent my way this past week.  I like them... hope you do too.
This last one has been so true for me, especially when it comes to a certain someone who has made my life very difficult these past few years.
In fact if anything, it has made me want to show kindness more, and help people more.  

I'm now off for my nanna nap. 


Melanie H May 29, 2012 at 11:01 AM  

I love the idea of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Those cupcakes look so good.

Glad you had a good weekend and got productive.

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