Sunday, May 27, 2012


Winter has finally arrived...... days are nice but tonight is COLD.  We are all snuggled up in front of here.  

 It is nice to be able to light the fire.  There are not too many weeks here that it is cold enough for us to do this.  
I have had a great weekend away with the girls at Scrap Retreat.  We hold only one a year, and we all look forward to it.  We had an awesome time.   Here's a quick preview of our Saturday night fun.  More to come in the next day or so.   

Feeling very thankful tonight.... It has been a crazy week in the lead up to the weekend. Some of the things I am thankful for are

1.   Great weekend away with like minded woman.
2.   Photographs and the memories that they hold.
3.  Wet rainy days..... the perfect weather to scrapbook by.
4.  Safety for all those travelling on the weekend. 
5.  Open fireplace and the smell of wood burning -
6.  The cosiness of sitting in front of a fire. 
7.  My Camera - and the opportunity to record the memories of my life.
8.  Facebook - and how it keeps me in touch with my son on the other side of the world.
9.  Scented candles and the fragrance the give to our home. 
10. Bio Freeze and the relief it gives to my very sore back.  

Will be back tomorrow with photos from our retreat.


Chrissy May 28, 2012 at 11:01 AM  

I so miss our fire at the old place, yours looks soooo warm and cozy. It's been really chilly here for quite a while now... Lovely to see you and the girls dressed up too, how awesome were some of those costumes! xx

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