Friday, January 30, 2015


If you remember,  back here I posted that we were getting a new gutter...
They are back on the job....
They partially did the job and then it was left for a couple of weeks again..
Yesterday morning at around 7am,  we heard this ungodly noise as the council arrived to cut down the tree...

It didn't take them long to get it down...
It made more sense,  it was the roots of this tree that caused the problem to start with and it was only going to redo the damage if it were left standing...
I was kind of hoping that they would remove both trees but one has been left standing...
Lots of large machinery parked over our driveway..
It was hard to get to work, because we couldn't get our cars our of the yard.  The council have lots of heavy duty machinery parked in the street and particularly over our driveway.  Big munching machines...
Almost down..
 I couldn't believe it, but the time I grabbed my camera and got ourstide they almost had this three completely down. 

Almost down
Sawing it up in our front yard..
Needing to be cut a little more.

They had this amazing munching machine that honestly you just fed any big logs through and it just ate the tree trunk.
Dragging the log up to munch up and make into garden bark...
 I couldn't believe how quickly it cleaned it all up
Dragging the log up into the muncher
The stump that was left...
Feeding it into the muncher
Going to work on it...
Dust spraying everywhere.
Can't believe the size of the logs it can munch up.
All gone in a matter of minutes...
 It was amazing to watch..
Keen to take a few more photos when it has been completed.  They have concreted a little more but not the lot of it.  It all happens a little slowly around here...
Still I will get the camera back out when they have finished it completely. (whenever that might be)
Meanwhile it is hard to believe that the first month of 2015 has come and gone...

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