Wednesday, April 8, 2015


First thing Sunday morning she wandered up to our bed in the caravan and wanted me to take her for a walk to the toilets... Whilst we were over at the amenities block.  I asked her if the Easter Bunny had been and she said to me that she had "Forgot".  So we wandered back to check the end of her bed...

She was so excited to find chocolate at the bottom of her bed that she woke up both her Mummy and her Poppy....

Look Poppy.... I got a chocolate rabbit...
hop hop hop ......
Can I eat it now Mummy?????
Think you had better wait until after breakfast Willow....
 But you can have one chocolate egg before breakfast if you like...

I want this yellow one...
peeling off the foil....
Sharing with Mummy
chocolate dippy eggs for breakfast
Yum yum yum
Shoving it all in....
so so good....
wanting to share with Mummy and Poppy...
extra cute.... got to love this age....
no savoring it at all,  stuff it all in...
Mouth is full...
dribbling down her chin....
can't fit another thing into her mouth...
would you like one Poppy
I will share with you....
Do you want one too Moppy...
Mummy you can have a blue one....
 Such a gorgeous age... loving the memories..
Loving have her with us for the holidays...
Loving this time of relationship building....


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