Thursday, April 9, 2015


The caravan park at Tannum Sands organised a huge Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sunday morning...
This was followed by pancakes for breakfast...
I decided to take Willow on the Easter Egg Hunt...

They really did a great job...
The Easter Bunny was even on site, riding around in a golf bunny collecting children from around the park.  they arrived in the camp kitchen at about 8am and then it all got underway...

She was pretty excited to see this big fellow....
Willow was funny, she wanted to see the Bunny and she were he was, but there was n o way she was going to get up close and personal with him so that I could take a photo...
She used her little hats to collect the eggs which were just scattered all over the ground...
Counting all her eggs.  

She amazes me with counting skills.  She collected 12 eggs and she was able to count out 11 of them with one to one correspondence...
Counting her easter egg that she found scattered around the place
chocolate easter eggs
It was just a pity that so many of the bigger kids would come and scoop them right out of the hands of the littlies.  It is a shame that not many children these days know their manners....

When we got home from the Easter Eggs hunt,  Willow was keen to wear some bunny ears like a lot of the other kids were doing when they were hunting for the eggs.
Too darn cute for her own good...
Her bunny ears....
Don't you just love her...
Couldn't resist these photos of Willow enjoying her chocolate.

Love it love it love it...

Into her mouth it all goes...

Anyone would think she will never see chocolate again.

a whole fist full of chocolate goes in.,.

Chocolate obsession
Just look at that face of contentment..
This month has definitely been a overload of Willow photos... Love having our granddaughter on holidays with us.  Love all that she does and  looking forward to spending a heap more time with her in the next month or two also


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