Where have the past couple of weeks gone....
Is it really time for good-byes already.
Feeling very sad as the time draws close to farewelling the girls before they head back to Copenhagen..
It means that once we farewell them, we only have another 15 hours with Pete before he takes off as well.....
Steve and I headed out to the airport to farewell them also.
It helped that we were able to cart a lot of their luggage as it would not have fitted in Pete's hire car...
The girls had travelled light so that they could each take home a suitcase full of Pete's gear from Australia....
That in it self made me feel sad, as it pretty much indicates to us that Denmark will be his new home...
I guess there was a little bit of the Mum in me that was hoping that one day soon they would both come home to Australia to live....
Somehow I don't think that is going to happen as they are talking about buying an apartment to settle in Copenhagen once they get married....
Family photo with our new Daughter in law to be... Love you Maria |
Sending Maria home in a wheelchair |
Caring sisters to be her carers as they headed home... |
Getting waited on hand and foot.... |
Family shot,,, |
Heading off to Departures... |
Pete enjoying his coffee whilst the girls do all the work... |
We already feel like we are a part of Maria's family.. |
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