Tuesday, December 27, 2016


There are so many other wonderful things you can do down at the Bay, I think for us it was seeing all the children having a ball together and everything being really exciting for them.

Steve and Sarah hired bikes with a little carriage to tow behind so that the children could go with them,  well Willow,  at this stage Max is a little too little, so poor old me got to stay home and babysit or drive whilst they road their bikes.

Hire bikes for biking around Hervey Bay
Cruising around the Bay
Maxie quite enjoyed his ride as well.
 Another morning we went out for an early morning breakfast, a play on the beach and some fun in the park... They have the best parks here for kids, and there was so many more things that you can do as a family.  There were heaps of places that we didn't even have time to visit in the week that we were there. We actually had a list of places we thought we could go, including the Botanical Gardens but we just ran out of time
Breakfast on the beach
 The kids had a lovely play on the beach
Lovely beach
Sandcastle building is lots of fun.....
 From playing on the beach we headed to the playground for a play on the swings....
 They had an awesome swing there for babies where you could swing with them facing them and Maxie just loved it...  So did his Poppy and his Mummy...
Max loving swinging with his Mummy
Swinging with Willow
Poppy swing me higher....
 We finished our morning out for breakfast with a stroll along the jetty

 Another day, Steve took all the boys out to pump yabbies and then fish off the beach...
Even Willow loved being down there with them...

 Our afternoons were spent going for walks and playing on the beach....
Super fun time with grandies....
 They wrote messages on the beach to Willow's Daddy.....
And we couldn't possibly come home without a play at the park again...

 And other days we just chilled by the pool
We have had a wonderful holiday with these guys....
Always enjoy their company...


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