Monday, March 5, 2018


The years fly past way too quickly..
It seems like yesterday that I was teary eyed and meeting this precious grand daughter of mine and now she is off to school.

She has been so excited about starting school.  It has been all she has wanted to talk about for at least the last six months and was so excited that she was counting down the sleeps...

Her other grandparents made sure they flew down just to be there and witness this milestone in her life....

Her first day at school
Family portrait
Her other grandparents come to see her start school...
 So proud to be a big school day at lunch.  She wasn't at all upset about Mummy and Daddy leaving her at school. 
At her desk on her first day at school..
Couldn't move the smile from her face...
 Lets hope she always enjoys school as much as she is enjoying it at the moment...


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