Sunday, June 20, 2021


 There is a two fold purpose for getting some gardening and tree lopping done at our place.  As of August, we will no longer be able to dump our green waste for free, there is a charge for it at the local dump, so we need to get some pruning done and tree lopping done sooner rather than later...

Secondly, there is no way we were able to get the new boat down the side of the house without cutting back one of the trees, so it had to go..

It required a couple of chain saws,  ladders and ropes, and a big of grunt from the car, but it is now all done....

He's into it....

The good part about it is that we get to stack up on a little more fire wood.  We have been burning it a bit this year, so we need to stock up, especially with kindling...  
stocking up the fire wood....

 a trip to the dump coming up....

One tree down, and two more to go...


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