Sunday, June 20, 2021


 The sunflowers are blooming in town again....

This is my happy place, to go out and see the fields of bright yellow flowers....

Such huge flowers.... the happiness factor...

This is a different farm to the farm we visited last year.  This is a much bigger farm with much more land under sunflower cultivation...  Last year when we drove along this road, these paddocks were all under wheat.  

I was there early morning and there were quite a few car loads of people visiting.  There are no flowers for sale this year, so no fund raising involved, but people do love to come out and photograph them and just enjoy their beauty..

Definitely a visit out here this morning puts one in their happy place.  I probably spent a good hour out here just enjoying the beauty of my surroundings.  The farm is pretty much on the river bank, so had he added bonus of  watching life on the river as well...

I know that this has been a bit of a photo dump but these ohotos will always remind me of the lovely morning I spent near the river looking at these beautiful flowers, and how their beauty and lovely bright colour takes me to a happy place...

I do wonder whether this will become a bit of an annual event... Two years in a row now having these beautiful fields of gold opened to the general public to come out and enjoy.  I for one appreciate the generousity of the farmers in allowing us the opportunity to come out and visit and see all these beautiful flowers...


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