Friday, July 30, 2021


 Tuesday morning we headed off to the Qld Museum to take the kids to see the "Wonders of the World"Lego Exhibition.  Unfortunately for us, Qld government announced that morning that we would need to wear masks when out as from this morning and then at 6pm tonight we were going into a mandatory 3 day lock down, so when we arrived at the museum, because of the new government regulations coming into play, they have had to cut back on the numbers attending the exhibition and even cancel some of the time slots which meant that they even had to refund people who had previously booked and paid.   This is terribly disappointing to us, but still we decided to make the best of the day.

Mandatory wearing of masks came in this morning when out and about..
Going into a three day lockdown as of this evening..
Finally my homemade face masks were getting a workout...
This news was a little disappointing for us, as we had planned to head home the following day and now this had to be put on hold as we were now unable to leave until at least Friday evening if at all then...

The kids were a little disappointed that they were missing the Lego display, but in the end were happy enough to check out some of the other exhibitions...

The giant squid

The first area we headed to was the  "Dinosaur Discovery: Lost Creatures of the Cretaceous" section of the museum...   This exhibit is set up to give you the chance to experience life on earth millions of years ago.  It features a herd of animated, life-size dinosaur models, including the fearsome T-Res, and Queensland's very own Muttaburrasaurus.

Each dinosaur has been made to scientific specifications to capture the real look, feel, sound and movement of these magnificent creatures, giving you a close up look at some of the most extraordinary creatures to have ever walked the earth.

We were disappointed to have missed the Brickman "Wonders of the World" Lego display.  This exhibition takes you on an interacdtive trip trhoughout history without the requirement of a passport.  

There are more than 50 awe inspiring displays bought to life in incredible detail. Creations from Asia, Europe, America, the Ancient Wonders, Technology and transport.  Even the Great Barrier Reef has been represented. 

Some of the featured works include the heaviest and most time consuming build of the Space Shuttle which stands at 4 metres tall.   The second heaviest is the build of "The Titanic"which weighs 120 kilos.  The longest creation would have to be the Tokoyo subway map which is 4.65 metres long.  The Flying Scotsman steam engine is the creation with the second most number of bricks with over 164,611 bricks in use and the longest build by a single builder is of St Basil's Cathedral which took over 320 hours to construct.

Apparently you there is also an interactive area when you can create and build your own designs.


Fortunately this display goes on through until October, so we plan to try and take the children again next time we are in Brisbane.

From here we wandered around and checked out some of the skulls and skeletons.  The children always find these fascinating..

From here we headed to a more interactive section of the Museum where the children could manipulate different displays.  Max really lived the display area  where we could use a microscope to enlarge different shells, rocks and dirt, and we spent quite a bit of time here...
The green tree snakes were also very fascinating but I for one must admit, I was very happy to see them behind a glass cage.  I for one wasn't volunteering to hold one.

The collections of stuff animals was also very interesting for the children and we spent quite a bit of time wandering around looking at them all and taking it all in.  

As the children were starting to complain a little about being hungry, we decided that it was time to leave and head into town for a bite to eat.  As we had driven in and parked the car under the museum, we decided to take the bus into town as we had all day parking below for $15 for as long as we wantd to park there.

Before we could catch the bus though, we had to walk through the gift shop on exiting the building.  With the children in tow, this proved a little difficult to do as they just wanted to look at everything on offer and then find something they just had to have...  Of course courtesy of Moppy and Poppy's wallet of course...

As we had paid for all day parking, we decided that rather than drive into the city, we would leave the car parked where it was and just catch a bus over the river to King George Square in the city.  Max loves travelling on any sort of public service so was pretty keen for the bus ride...  
Once we got into the city, we walked into the Mall to find somewhere to have lunch...  
The kids were really keen to go to McDonalds for lunch and as this was a special day out for them, we decided to grant them their wish..

The place was pretty busy, but it didn't take us too long to get served.  Both children wanted the Happy Meal... They are always keen to get the little toy in the box although once home, it is soon forgotten.

After lunch we headed into the mall so that Sarah could get one of her fruit smoothies.  She also wanted to duck into Target whilst it was close by.

By the time we had finished at Target it was getting on for mid afternoon.  As the city was going into lock down at 6pm, we decided it was probably time to catch a bus back to Southbank so that we could be home well before the lock down.

On the way back to the bus, we came across a Krispy Kreme shop.  As all the kids are a little partial to them at the moment (including the grandchildren)  Steve decided to pick up a dozen for us to share for desert

Our bus stop was underneath King George Square, so we got there just in time to catch the bus back to the Museum

Town Hall - Brisbane..
We were home an hour before the lock down.  Now we are stuck here for at least the next three days, even if we had managed to get out of Brisbane before the lock down, we would have needed to lock down at home, so in the end, we decided that it would be much nicer to be locked down with family than home on our own..  These little cherubs managed to get locked down with us, as they wanted to spend the time with us.... 

In lock down with Moppy & Poppy...
We thought by now all of this Covid would be behind us... No... things still change at the drop of a hat..  Life as we knew it has forever changed..


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