Friday, July 30, 2021


Fortunately for us, our days in lock down weren't too bad, the weather wasn't the best, it was mostly wet and cold, so it actually turned out to be great days to curl up at home with a good book and also to watch a movie or two.  We introduced Willow to the "Sound of Music" which she loved and then finally on our last day of lock down which happened to be a Saturday, we decided to have a board game morning...

Chloe had received a new game for her birthday and had not had a chance to play it so it was christened that morning.  Our neighbour from down stairs also joined us..

It seemed to be a pretty easy game.  The goal of the game was to win two rounds by earning the most points. You earn points by passing cards around the table and collecting 3-of-a-kind sets as fast as you can.

Some special sets trigger throwing battles where the first person to be hit by a Burrito loses a point. 

To begin the game you need to shuffle the deck of cards and deal out approximately 15 cards face down to each player (you don’t need to count the cards exactly—anything close to 15 cards is fine).   We then put our Personal Draw Pile to our right.

The rest of the remaining cards were split into two evenish piles and placed face down in the middle of the table and these formed Community Piles.

You also need to place the Burritos and burrito Bruises in the middle of the table

 You then need to get three matching cards as quickly as you can by disarding cards in your hand, one at a time and drawing new ones from your personal draw pile.  When you get a set of three matching cards, you have to face them up in from of you in a single pile, and then draw three more cards from your personal draw pile.  

You can never have more than five cards in your hand, so you always need to discard before you draw your next card..

There are no turns in this game.  All players go at the same time.

You draw cards from your Personal Draw Pile on your right and discard cards face down onto the Personal Draw Pile of the player to your left.

If you run out of cards in your Personal Draw Pile, you then can draw from either of the Community Piles. You then resume drawing from your Personal Draw Pile once it has cards again.

Your Personal Draw Pile gets very messy as the player next to you discards their cards into it.

When you collect your 3 matching Battle Cards, you put them in your Score Pile and yell the name of the battle: Brawl, War, or Duel. When a battle is declared, all other gameplay stops.

When you play 3 matching Brawl Cards, the players to your right and your left are immediately in a Brawl. Each of them should try to grab a Burrito as quickly as possible and throw it at each other. The first of the two to get hit by a Burrito loses the Brawl. 

There are 2 kinds of Brawl Cards. You cannot make a set containing both colors of Brawl Cards. 

When you play 3 matching War Cards, all players at the table (except for you) are immediately in a War and should try to grab a Burrito as quickly as possible and throw it at any other player. The first player to get hit by a Burrito (except for you) loses the War. 

When you play 3 matching Duel Cards, pick any 2 players (including yourself if you’d like). Those players each grab a Burrito and stand back to back. Both players will simultaneously say “3, 2, 1, Burrito!” As each number is said, both players will take a step away from each other in a straight line, and on “Burrito!” they turn and throw. The first player to get hit by a Burrito loses the Duel. 

 If you don’t have the correct set of 3 cards for the battle you declared, you lose the battle.

If you mistakenly grab a Burrito and you’re not in a battle, you lose the battle.

In both cases, the battle is immediately over. 

If you lose a battle, take a Burrito Bruise and put it in your Score Pile. Burrito Bruises are worth -1 point. OnThe game is played in two rounds. The first round is over when the last Burrito Bruise is given out. The player with the most points wins that round. The winner of the round gets the Fear Me Badge and proudly displays it on the table in front of them. Next, reset the table and play a second round.

At the end of round 2, if the person with the Fear Me Badge wins again, they win the game. If someone else wins the second round, that person must Duel the player with the Fear Me Badge to determine who wins the game. ly 1 Burrito Bruise is given out per battle.

After a battle, return the Burritos to the table and grab your cards. The player who triggered the battle counts “3, 2, 1, Burrito!” to resume playing.

It was a great game.  As it was raining we played it inside which was probably a bad mistake as one of the paintings on Chloe's wall fell to the ground and smashed...

I think this is definitely an outside game and would be really suited to a party.  Still we had a lot of fun playing it and it was a great way to pass the morning...



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