Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 Well I thought my school sports days were over, but when you get a call from your grand daughter to see if you can come visit and watch her at sports day, how on earth can you say no...

So off to Brissie we went, to see Willow run on her Sports Day.

Her school is quite a large school with over 1000 students.  The thing that surprised me though was that they only have three sports houses.  I don't know of any other school that only has three houses,  all schools that I have attended, my children have attended or that I have worked at, all have four sports houses, so this was something new.

 The first races started with the Under 8 year olds, at the start of the morning so we went along as we took the children to school,  camp chairs and all ready for the start of the day...

Still operating under COVID guidelines, means that this sports day was run very differently to other sports days with the students only coming down in the morning session to run their particular races and then going back to class.

Willow's races were all over by 9.30am meant that we had a two hour break before we had to be back for the ball games, relays and other events that she was competing in..

We headed down to the Coffee Club for morning tea and one of Sarah's friends joined us. We had a late breakfast and sat and chatted until suddenly we realized that it was after 11am and if we didn't want to miss any of the children's events we needed to hurry back to school.

We got back just in time with the children lining up from their lunch break and heading up to their oval..

This next lot of events were more or less on a rotational basis and Willow was up for ball games first...

Willow's ball group team did pretty well coming 4th in their first round and then second in the leader ball.  I love that she gives it all that she has got.

Every 20 minutes or so they would rotate to the next set of activities and after the ball games we moved onto the relay races, but not before we got a few photos together first...

She ran her relay well, she started in the lead but by the time she got through to the other end there were a couple of girls in front of her.  Bless her though as she ran her little heart out...

Next it was time to run the hurdle race and she excelled in this race coming second... I was so proud of her

By the time she finished these races it was time for us to leave.  We had to be back at Sarah's by 1pm as we were heading out for  a drive with Ian and Kathy into the Gold Coast hinterland for the afternoon,,

We finished her final two events which were the high jump. She did do well with this though.. I think having height helps her immensely...

Her final event was the shotput. 
Whilst I didn't particularly enjoy Sports Day as a staff member at school, coming as a spectator is a whole different ball game, and we really did enjoy being there to support Willow.  I am sure we will be attending more in future years.


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