Thursday, November 18, 2021


We're back on the road again heading south...

Just as we were about to leave the Sunny Coast last time we were there our hot water system died so we knew we needed to replace it before we went down at Christmas time.  A new hot water system means we need to go down sooner rather than later before all the tradies decide to take time off at Christmas time, so Steve has spent the last couple of weeks organising tradies to get some work down on our Sunny Coast home.  

We figured that if we had to go down for one thing we might as well organise another few things that we want to get done also whilst we were down there, so he has also been busy getting quotes of Solar panels for the roof along with putting airconditioners throughout the house...

Well we have it all set up to all be done over three consecutive days.

Steve's parents had also talked to him about doing a few little jobs around their house for them, so we decided to head down early on the Saturday morning so he could do a few jobs for them, stay Saturday night and leave first thing Sunday morning so we are down at the coast before lunch time...

It also gave me a good chance to catch up with my sister in Bundy whilst Steve was doing the jobs for his parents...

Mostly the jobs they wanted done, were out in the yard and garden.  Steve's Mum just loves her garden but is finding it increasingly more difficult to manage these days.  Because she loves her garden so much, so finds it stressful when it is not looking so good, so most times we are down, Steve will do some work in there for her, to keep her happy.

I must admit I also love to wander around and admire her garden, although this time, she didn't have too much out in bloom.  She normally has beautiful orchids.  

Her beautiful gerberas

Steve doing some poisoning for her...

Her white roses were out in bloom...

Her hydrangea was just starting to flower and she has a beautiful pink one...

I'm not sure what the following plant is, but it really is quite lovely.  Almost looks like it is from the cactus or succulent family, but it flowers overnight and then that is it.  The flower doesn't last at all which is a little sad...

Steve's Mum also has a lovely assortment of plants with very variegated and colourful leaves and they just seem to thrive in her greenhouse...

I wish I could get mine to grow like she gets her..

This visit only one of her beautiful orchids were flowering.  She has quite a few and she just has a way with them. 

She also has an amazing bush that throws both purple and mauve flowers and it has prolific coverage of flowers during Spring...
Her petunias were on their last legs with only a few still out in flower..
This tree in their chook pen was flowering profusely this year... It doesn't always flower like this but the tree was covered this year...
The friendly gnomes where keeping watch over her garden also...

It really was a pretty nice end to the day, with the clouds lit up from the setting sun...

Steve's Mum hasn't been to well lately, so we didn't want her fussing and cooking dinner for us all, so on my way home from visiting John and Jude, I stopped in and picked up some Red Rooster for his parents and because Bundy still has a Pizza Capers, and they serve Steve's favourite all time pizza.... Garlic Prawns,  I picked up one of those for us also... 

Pizza Caper's  Garlic Prawn Pizza - loaded with prawns..

I have to admit it really is very delicious and we had enough left over for feed us for lunch the following day...

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