Sunday, December 12, 2021


 We were invited over to the Bertucci"s house for dinner on the Saturday evening so that we could catch up with the kids  again.  It is always a busy time for them when coming to Rocky as they have two sets of parents who live there as well as a heap of their childhood friends for them to catch up with.

We had a lovely low key evening with Sharyn, Sirio, Dylan and our kids.  We did it the easy way by just ordering Pizza's in and then afterwards, we did we we often do when we get together and had a games night.

This time we decided to play the game "Artictulate".  It's a fun game where we split into two teams, the girls verses the boys.  You would have thought they would have had a slighter advantage over us as they had four in their team and us girls only had the three of us.   Girls still proved to be the winners on the night.

Setting up the game board to play Articulate.

The boys team...

Sirio starts the game rolling..

Chloe is responsible for the timer...

Sirio lets Chloe know exactly where he should be on the board

Both teams are hugely competitive and it was pretty full on several times, as we all argued our points.  It was fun to watch.  I think it is one of their favourite games.

Checking out the categories -  there are certain ones we like and other's we don't..

 The timer is set and we're ready to go again...

Steve spins the wheel....   where will it land...

Needless to say they boys weren't terribly happy that the girls won, especially when they had the extra help.  Still it was a fun night and it was after 11pm by the time we left.


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