Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 Max has been so excited about his birthday.  In fact I think this year has been the most excited I have ever seen him and he has been counting down the sleeps.

He is such a hilarious little boy, and birthdays this year are HUGE for him.  He has been letting us all know that on his birthday he will be the boss for the day.

He woke way too early.... before 5am so we knew it was going to be a long day.  Present opening started at 5.30am, mainly because his Dad was playing at church and needed to leave early for that anyway.

Sarah loves to put a few decorations up in their room so that when the birthday child  wakes up, they knows it is their special day.  It's a bit of a tradition to hang streamers in the doorway and hang balloons on the ceiling fan...  and that was done again for Max too.  Not only was that done, but the Christmas Elf that visits their place each year for the fortnight before Christmas thought he would get in on the act of decorating the lounge for Max's birthday also and made a right royal mess of the place...

We gathered on Sarah and Colin's bed for the traditional opening of presents.   Max was super excited.

There was a great stack of presents ready to be opened and he couldn't wait.  Willow took on the job of handing him the presents and the very first one she gave him was a card she had made herself for Max.

Reading his lovely card from Willow

Willow did such a great job with his card and her message was lovely telling Max he was the best brother and letting him know he was loved.

Max was excited to get money..

Max was really excited with his watch from Mummy & Daddy...

He was so excited and both his Mum and Dad got some big hugs and cuddles....

So excited to get more Pokemon cards..

Counting all his Pokemon cards....

And the presents just kept rolling and he was so excited... I love this age where everything is exciting for them...

Wahoooo....  new Pikachu PJs...

Max has always used his Dad's brush and he just loves it because it is a penguin so he was super delighted to get his own Penguin brush just like his Dad.  It is funny the things that delight children..  I think getting his own brush made him feel very grown up...

The delight on his face....

Just look at that smile

One of the other things that he is right into at the moment is Basketball and every time we are down, he is always challenging his Poppy to shooting hoops.  Even as a five year old he was awesome at actually getting the ball through the hoop.  He really wants his Mum to put him into Basketball and she plans to in 2022.  He was super excited to get a Basketball singlet and shorts for his birthday.  Little did he know what else he was going to be getting for his birthday....  He will be over the moon when he receives that present
Super happy with his new Basketball clothes

And he still has more presents to unopen.  Talk about a spoilt little boy.  Next he got some books, He is right into Pokemon at the moment so was super happy to get a Pokemon book.
Time to open Moppy and Poppy's present.  He was very good and opened the card first and was absolutely stoked to get MONEY... $10....  He was quite envious when it was Willow's birthday and she got money so now that it was his birthday and there was some money he was thrilled and even told Willow that he has more money than her now...  Funny Kid....

Opening his card from Moppy & Poppy..

One excited litte boy with his $10

His smile says it all...

Moppy and Poppy also got him another book that was on his birthday List.  He is right into the Dogman books at the moment so we had to grab him one for his birthday and one for Christmas..

His new birthday book.

Sometimes it seems like the kids get extra gifts but she normally also buys them things they need and then wraps them up.  Max's school lunch box got trashed this year and he needed a new one for next year.  Sarah was able to pick up a good Smiggles one for less than half the price second hand so she bought it and then wrapped it up for Max for his birthday.  He was pretty excited to get it also...

He was telling us it was pretty hard as he felt it and tried to guess what it was....




Then it was time to open his biggest present of all.  His last present from Moppy and Poppy.  He is a funny little boy and was feeling it and trying to guess what it was.... He had no idea but he was super excited when he opened it and found out what it was....

WOW WOW WOW... A Pokemon traveling bag.  Both the children needed for bags for when they go on holidays.  We had got Willow a Harry Potter one which she used when they went to Cairns for their holiday, so thought we would get Max a similar present for his birthday.  I wondered whether he would like it as he is very toy orientated at the moment, but it seemed to go over really well and he was quite delighted with it.

And just when he thought he was all done, his Mummy and Daddy had one more surprise for him.  Only to get this surprise, they decided to blindfold him and take him outside to see it...

They blindfolded him...

Willow wanted to lead him outside... and she was precious in the way she was directing him... "Two more steps Max and then you have to turn to your right"..... etc.

The blindfold came off and he was over the moon.  just what he really really wanted and he didn't waste any time in testing it out.
His very own basketball hop. 

He had been using the old Netball hop on the end of their swing set, but it was very sad and broken but still he was faithful and would head out most afternoon to shoot hoops on it.  This was the ridgy didge basketball goal post with backboard and all.  The other good thing about it, is that it can be height adjusted as he grows.

He was so excited, that he had to shoot hoops there and then.  No one else was even getting a turn initially...

All of a sudden he remembered that he got his Basketball singlet and shorts and wanted to race inside and put them on so that he could shoot basketball hoops dressed for the part.  He was quite happy to let Willow have a turn whilst he raced inside and changed. 

New birthday present all done up with a birthday bow too..
Didn't take him long to come back outside all dressed for the part.  His shirt is a little too big, but that didn't worry him... He informed his Mum that he loved it and that he would grow into it...  He often cracks me up with the things he comes out with...

Dressed for the part...

Shooting ball like a Pro

If had a go shooting hoops backwards....

As a birthday treat we decided to take Max to his favourite fast food outlet for Breakfast.  Where else but Macca's.  The first thing he wanted to do was go play in the playground.  





 The kids and Sarah were heading to church whilst we were heading up to the PA hospital to see Steve's Aunty Ethel who had been flown down by the Royal Flying Doctors with serious heart issues.

Steve's Mum was really worried about her as she had no one to travel with him and no one to call out to in Brissie, so we were only to happy to go visit her.  I am so glad that we did.  She had had a pretty rough morning and the look on her face when we first walked in was enough to make our day.  She was overwhelmed with gratitude and so so happy to see us.  We also took her some of these roses up and she told us several times that this was her best Christmas ever...

Once Sarah got home from church it was straight into getting the cake iced and ready for the party that afternoon.  She had the cakes made, the icing made and the pokemon characters made so all she really had to do was put it all together... She did an amazing job with this too.  The cake looked AWESOME.  Max and his friends were very very impressed with it...

One again she has really excelled herself when it comes to her children's birthday cakes.  I am super super proud of her.  She did say though that she actually finds it therapeutic doing this sort of thing, so after all the stresses of Uni, it was a welcome change to be a bit creative...

On our way home, we got a call from Sarah asking us to stop in and Big W to see if we could get some red food colouring so that she could make the Pokemon ball, and Max wanted us to get a soccer ball for him so that he could play with his friends at the park.

He wasn't particularly happy in these photos as he was ready to head to the park for his birthday afternoon tea at 1pm.  He didn't quite understand he had to wait another couple of hours as his friends weren't going to arrive until 3pm.  It seemed that every ten minutes he was asking us if it was time yet to go...

Finally we headed down.  He had a couple of friends from school and their parent,  a few park friends from the Friday afternoon group and both sets of Grandparents and his Uncle and Aunties and little cousin all turned up along with his great Uncle and Aunty from Cairns.  The kids had a great time

Birthday afternoon tea at the Koala Sanctuary...

After they had a good time running around for an hour or more it was time to light the candle on his birthday cake...

He had to cut the cake and kiss the nearest girl to him.  Lucky it was his Mum...

Cutting his cake

Everyone left around 5.30pm, although Max's little friend Jacob came home with us for dinner.  Max got to pick what he wanted for dinner since it was his birthday so Pizza it was.

It's been a full on day and the kids were pretty tired.  They were in bed by 7.30pm and it didn't take them long to fall asleep...

Well that's the birthday's done and dusted for another year. 


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