Sunday, December 26, 2021


It is at this time of the year that we really miss our family in the Northern Hemisphere and even more so at the moment whilst we are all locked out from visiting each other..  It is also six years since we have all been home together for Christmas which is really quite sad and I wonder if we will ever have a Christmas when we are all together again.  

This year Pete, Maria and the boys went north to Jutland up to Maria's Mum's and her partner for Christmas.

Our beautiful family overseas..

In Denmark, they really only get their Christmas Days and decorate it  a few days before Christmas.  Part of the Christmas tradition is going out and cutting down their own Christmas Tree.  I love how the Scandinavian  Countries all use real trees as their Christmas tree and their Christmas decorations.  It leaves the most beautiful smell in the home of pine.                                

It was Pete's job this year to cut down the tree... 

Theo goes with them to help pick out the perfect Christmas Tree.  I love that he is experiencing some new wonderful Christmas traditions also. 

Theo helping to pick out the perfect Christmas Tree..

Watching Fa cut down a Christmas tree.

Excitement abounds as they try and now get their Christmas Tree into a trailer to take home...

Else-Maria dragging the Christmas Tree to the trailer

Pete and Theo very happy with their choice of tree..

Very happy with their tree...

Heading home with their Christmas Tree for 2021...
They had the perfect weather for Christmas this year....  Snow a few days before Christmas and then another lovely sunset.  The only sunsets we experienced in Denmark also were up in Jutland so seeing these photos brings back lots of lovely memories of or Christmas up there three years ago...

Our beautiful family Christmas Eve 2021..

Most of the Christmas celebrations in Denmark happen Christmas Eve.  The Children get their presents that afternoon, they usually go to church Christmas Eve and then come home and have their main Christmas meal before dancing around the Christmas Tree singing Christmas Carols and then exchanging presents....
Elliot enjoying  Christmas

Aunty Hanna reading Theo a Christmas story..

Maria and Dudi on the meal preparation for their Christmas Eve dnner...

Our beautiful daughter in law and our youngest grandson.

Maria's Mum Else-Marie and her sisters Hanna and Dudi

The family sit down to a traditional Christmas meal.
I can't wait until we can all travel again and be back together...  We miss this beautiful family so much.


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