Friday, February 25, 2022


 One of my second cousin's and his wife lives on the Sunshine Coast here and we always love to catch up with them when we are down here.  Lloyd is also a mad keen fisherman, so he and Steve always have lots of stories to share and Sim his wife is a mad keen crafter, so we too have lot of things in common.

We caught up with them at church, and they invited us to have lunch with them.   Lloyd had a couple of errands to do on his way home, so Sim and I decided to duck into Lincraft as a friend had told her they had a sale with everything reduced by 50%.

We both ended up getting fabric.  I bought some pretty bright coloured polycotton fabric to use in making peg aprons for my girls to sell.  This is such a huge saving and will give them a little more of a bonus as the aprons are quite expensive to make when paying full price for the fabric.  If I can manage to get it on sale, you actually get to make a little for your labour...

Sim and I

During lunch Lloyd was telling Steve about where he has been going to catch crabs and he decided that he would take Steve for a drive after lunch to show him where to go.  

Sim thought that if the boys were going to go check out a creek, we might as well head back onto the coast and check out Spotlight as this was their final day operating before their new store opened down at Maroochydore.  Sim had picked up quite a few bargain earlier in the week, so she was hoping that prices might have come down even further for their last trading day.

Unfortunately the prices hadn't come down any further and there wasn't too much left to pick through.  We both bought a couple of pieces of fabric which had been reduced to $1 and $2 a metre, but other than that, there wasn't too much.    

Sim dropped me back home for a few minutes so that I could hang out some washing.  I had put a load on just before we headed to church thinking that I could get it out on the line when we got home, and as we didn't make it home, it was still in the machine...

Once we hung that out and had a cuppa we headed back to their place.  Lloyd and Steve were back, and Lloyd and Aston had gone for a motor bike ride... Steve was pretty happy to chill out on their back patio watching You Tube whilst he waited for us to come home.

Checking out their fish tank...

Lloyd and Sim were pretty keen for us to stay for dinner as well.  Lloyd had put a roast leg of lamb in the oven.  We felt that we had been there long enough, but they were pretty insistent, with Sim pulling out a bottle of Moscato for us to share whilst the boys finished cooking dinner.  We were never going to get away with not staying..

The meal was beautiful and we are so blessed by these guys friendship.   Whilst we will miss our friends in Rocky, we are feeling quite comfortable with relocating  down here as we already have quite a few really good friends down this way.  

Happy hour...

We did get to witness a really lovely sunset this afternoon out at Lloyd and Sim's.  How blessed are we.  The afternoon light over the landscape was just stunning and we all had to go outside to just take it in and appreciate the beauty around us...

It was nice to be spoilt again as we all enjoyed another lovely meal together...

Beautiful Roast lamb and roast vegetables for dinner...

Dinner with the Millers...

Well today has certainly panned out differently to what we expected.  We have had a wonderful day though catching up with these guys.  We've had to cancel out previously because of Covid, so it was finally nice to spend some time together before we have to head home...


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