Saturday, February 5, 2022


 Today we got to catch up with a good friend of mine.

She is up on the Sunny Coast visiting her daughter.  Her daughter is like a daughter to us, as she was good friends with our eldest daughter and spent lots of time at our place...

They rented our house for a few months before buying their own house down here on the coast.  They now have a beautiful home on one of the canals.  Beth has three beautiful children who love to play with our grandchildren...

We were invited to come for morning tea this morning and a swim for the children...

It was a surprise for them.  We were to go the previous week but Beth's husband caught Covid and they were in isolation for a week...  Max was heart broken when we could go the previous week as he had been really looking forward to it.  I wasn't quite game to let them know this week they were going incase we were unable to go again...

They got a wonderful surprise when we pulled into their drive way..

They had a wonderful time with their new friends, and I loved catching up with both Jenni and Beth...

The kids had a wonderful time together...  We must do it again...  sooner rather than later....


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