Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 My wonderful husband surprised tonight when he arrived home from getting us dinner..

We've had a big day today, so Steve decided to use his Subway voucher and go and get us a healthy subway wrap for dinner.  On his way home he dropped into the supermarket to pick us some mini ice creams for desert and he picked up there for me...

They are only my favourite flowers...

My favourite flowers..

Red roses have always been significant to me... They have always spoken of love.  They are the flowers my Dad would bring home for my Mum and quite often when we went to visit, he would have one for us girls as well.  Sometimes he bought them and other times he picked them from the garden.  He loved them and loved to show his love by giving them to us...
Like wise I have been blessed to have a husband who also likes to spoil me with flowers.  I am sure my dad's example has been a motivator for Steve also, as this is not something that happened in his home growing up.  I feel so blessed that my highschool sweetheart is still the love of my life.  I have been thinking about him a lot the last few days, and I have been so appreciating just how blessed that I have been... Talking to friends and hearing some of the stories of others, has made me realize just how truly blessed I am.  I never want to take him for granted.  I am truly loved and I absolutely love him in return.  We have spent the best part of our years together and here's hoping for many many many more yet...


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