Sunday, March 20, 2022


 Whilst most of the east coast of Australia has more than it's fair share of rain, in the last couple of months, there is a small pocket along the coast that hasn't and that just happens to be where we live.  They have had their fair share of storm build ups but that is all it is.  Amazing light shows without delivering...

After the last couple of month, I never thought I would come back home and want it to rain again.  I would have thought that I would be happy to be away from all the rain, but when I see how dry it is here and compare it to the beauty of the countryside where we have just come from, I really would love to see that for this part of our State also.  Definitely not as much rain as they have down there but enough to give the earth a good soak and breathe new life into the soil...

We watched one such build up the week we come home.  There were storms predicted for each day and we got none of them.  We did though witness some amazing cloud formations and a lot of electrical activity and that in itself was pretty spectacular...

It sure put on a light show for us..

some great displays of lightening

Magnificent to watch

Watching this unfold this afternoon reminds me of King David's psalm

Psalm 19 1
A psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.


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