Friday, March 18, 2022


We ended up getting stranded on the Sunshine Coast due to all the rain from the weather bomb.  As we had planned to leave on the day the rain started, we had run our food down and had very little left in the house...   It meant now that we needed to get out and just buy food on a day by day basis as our plan was to still try and get away and head home as soon as possible.

Initially we thought we might of been able to get away two days later on the Sunday but that was looking less and less likely, as Gympie was able to experience it's worst flood since 1893..

Friday it rained so heavily that we couldn't get out of the house at all.  By Saturday afternoon the rain had eased from torrential downpour to just rain, so we escaped from home and headed down to the shopping centre to pick up a few supplies...

The shops weren't too bad on Saturday and we were able to get enough food to get us through a couple of days..

By Monday we knew that the earliest we would get away would be either Wednesday or Thursday, so we needed to head out and get a few supplies for dinner..

Initially we thought we would just grab some Red Rooster, but both of the stores we visited were closed due to the floods and lack of supplies.  Steve tried going to Subway but they were also out of the meats for their rolls, so as Woolworths was situated in the same centre, I decided to head in and just pick up a cooked chook and we would have that with a bit of salad.

You can imagine my surprise when I ducked into Woolworths, the shelves were bare...  No fresh fruit and vegetables, the meat and dairy were all gone, toilet paper gone.  Surprisingly though there was plenty of ice cream..  not really what we were looking forward for dinner though....

There was very little fresh meat left..

No fresh fruit and vegetables..

No premade salads left

They did have a few cucumbers left, so I guess we could have had a cucumber only salad...
Supplies were so scarce, that they were putting just a few bottles on the shelf to at least try and make it look like there was some stock..
Trying to stack the shelves..

Only a few loaves of white bread left..

But there was still plenty of ice cream

The supermarkets were like this for a good week after the flood.  In fact even when we got home to Rocky, the supermarkets up there were still trying to get food for the shelves also.  It just goes to show that it doesn't take much time for stocks to run down.  I have a new appreciation for our truckies who are constantly driving the highways delivering the food and goods that we need just to survive...


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