Friday, March 18, 2022


 It has been a very strange Summer this year.  Temperatures have been mild on the coast, and we have had constant rain.  In three months I could count on my hands how many days that it hasn't rained...  This means that our swimming was pretty much hit and miss as we tried to work it not only around the weather but also the grandchildren we both had to look after as the start of schools in Queensland we delayed for an additional two weeks due to Covid.

It has been a really crazy start to the year,   there is very little planning one can do these days as things change constantly.

The added bonus of having to spend an extra week on the coast, meant that Barb and I were able to fit in a couple of swims together.  The water was pretty cold, but we did at least swim a good 1km.  I feel so out of condition,  I will have to work my fitness back up again...

Barb and I back in the pool...

I have missed being in the water this summer.  Hopefully when I get home, I'll be able to get back into a regular pattern of swimming agan.


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