Saturday, March 19, 2022


The roads opened again on the Wednesday afternoon, but as Steve had a very sore foot again, we decided to wait and leave on Thursday.  We also figured that the road would be pretty busy when it first opened with all the trucks waiting to get through.

We pretty much had a late night getting all our packing done, and having it all ready in the lounge to pack into the car first thing in the morning...

I even managed to get all the towels and everything washed and onto line under the patio to get them semi dried so that we could get everything done and dried as early as possible for us to get on the road..

Well I woke around 4am to go to the toilet to hear once again torrential rain falling....  and fall it did, for another 6 hours or more.  It rained pretty heavily until lunch time,  another six inches of rain, and we weren't going anywhere fast...

It was way too wet to get the car packed, and the sheets ended having to go into the dryer as there was no way they were going to be washed and hung out to dry on the clothes line.  Even the towels had to come in and be put through the dryer...

Initially we were to spend a few days in Bundaberg but with us being delayed for the week, we decided to pretty much head home to Rocky and spend a few extra days in Bundy when we were to come back to intern Mum and Dad's ashes...

In the end it was 3pm before we were able to get away from the coast, so decided to head to Bundy and just sleep overnight and get up around 4.30am and leave so that we were home by breakfast in Rocky.  We had quite a few appointments and things to attend to.  

The main reason we decided to overnight in Bundy was because of the major storms predicted for the coast of Queensland up to Rockhampton, and we weren't to keen to be driving at night with weather like we had experienced on the coast...

We passed through a couple of storms with a very heavy downfall of rain, so were thinking that indeed we had made the right call by spending the night in Bundy, as we really didn't want to drive through such rain particularly in the dark of night...

The rain really does something for the earth, we arrived in Childers just as the storm had passed through, and the earth had a real richness about it, particularly with the sun now showing on it in the afternoon light...

We were also quite mesmerized by the amazing cloud formations that took over the sky.  In fact they really were quite spectacular and we had fun photographing them as we traveled along..

Some amazing clouds

One tree hill

We did marvel at the beauty in front of us, and we were looking forward to the afternoon sunset as we figured with some much cloud around that it would be a feast for the eyes to behold and we were not disappointed.

In fact it really was quite spectacular and as we got closer to Bundaberg, we pulled over near the fire tower to really enjoy it and take it all in.  It was great to just stop and take some time out to absolutely enjoy and appreciate God's handiwork in the heavens above...

Enjoying a sunset with Steve is one of my most favourite things to do and was the one thing I missed the most when we completed our lap around Australia.  Every stunning sunset we witness is etched in my brain and enjoying even these ones bring back lots of incredible memories of our time on the road.  It kind of has a way or drawing me back into our adventure..

Amazing sunset to end our day

capturing the momemt

Doesn't get much better than this

We were so glad that we spent the time just appreciating the beauty of this amazing moment.  What an awesome Creator we have.  How can you positively not beleive that this is the work of a creator.  I am so incredibly grateful for the gift of sight, not only sight but also that we can see and appreciate the wonderful colours around us... 

We continued to enjoy the rest of our drive into wonderful, the scenery was amazing as the sun bathed the countryside with it's brilliance

Once the sun had set, we were still privileged to enjoy the evening sky as the setting sun coloured the clouds above.  It was all so beautiful and our drive ended way too soon..

With the roads still wet from all the rain, we got some wonderful reflections from the clouds along the road in front of us.  All just magical...

What a wonderful afternoon.. What a truly picturesque drive..  So grateful and thankful today... My heart is full

We arrived in Bundy just in town.  We could see lightning off in the distance as we drove into town.  We needed to fuel up which we did just near the airport.  We wanted to do this tonight as we wanted to be away somewhere between 4.30am and 5am in the morning and we were pretty sure there wouldn't be too many service stations open at that time.    We also needed to grab a bit to eat, as we hadn't eaten much today as we had pretty much cleaned the house out of food before we left.

I googled Red Rooster and Subway and found that there was a subway on the way to Steve's parents so decided to just stop there rather than having to go out of our way and go into town to get something different.

Whilst Steve was in ordering our dinner, I got to witness the most amazing light show as the heavens were fired up by repeated bursts of lightening.  The storm was getting very close now and I wondered whether we would make it home in time before the heavens opened and the deluge fell.

By the time Steve got back to the car, the spits started to fall, and as we got to Steve's parents, we were quick to back the trailer in under cover as we didn't want water seeping in and damaging any of our tools or other bits and pieced in the trailer.  We literally opened the doors and took off just as the heavens opened and again there was another torrential downpour...  We are getting pretty used to rain like this.

It lasted for a good hour before it pasted over.  There was obviously a lot of storm activity around because for the rest of the night we were  privileged to much electrical activity which repeated lit up the sky.  In fact we ended up enjoying the display from bed and we fell asleep. 


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