After almost three months away we were home at last. We have obviously not had a lot of rain, as the countryside around Rocky was very dry, nothing like the lush green of the countryside down in the south east corner...
Still it was nice to finally be home, and I enjoyed a quite walk around the garden... They were still thriving thanks to our good friend Bevan who looks after our place for us whilst we are away.
Home sweet home
I thought I might have missed my favourite flowering plant this year. It normally only flowers in February and we were away for the month, so I was feeling pretty grateful to see that there were still several flowers budding and flowering.
One of my favourites
Considering the lack of rain, the garden still looked pretty good and most of our plants are thriving. In fact we have a lot of work ahead of us getting it all tidied up again..
Our new grevilla is flowering
This was a total surprise - I didn't even know that this plant flowered
Our fig has bloomed... It was half dead when we left...
And our gum tree was a mass of colour...
A mass of flowers and colour.
Ah have I mentioned how good it is to be home.... We have hit the ground running...
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