Tuesday, March 22, 2022


We tried to avoid it all summer, but have finally succumbed to the dreaded disease...  We have been wanting to protect ourselves before traveling.  We have spent the bulk of our time whilst on the Sunshine Coast keeping away from crowded spaces to try and avoid getting COVID.  We are back home for one week, still trying to isolated and keep away from folk, but last Monday I woke up with a very sore throat and I just went down hill from there.

By the time we arrived home, I was just ready to slump in a chair and rest.  I didn't want to go out at all, so Steve ducked down to the shops and picked up a few supplies for us..

It is hard to believe that we have lived with COVID now for the past two years

I went down hill pretty fast and by Tuesday, I felt like doing nothing.  I did not get the fevers or body aches, but I did get a bad headache, brain fog and the worst head cold. So in the two years of living with Covid, not once have I had to have a Covid test, and the very first one I did, turned out that I was Covid positive.   I was laid out for two whole days.   

On Wednesday, Steve started to get a scratchy throat and could feel that he was coming down with something...  He ended up being far worse than me, although my covid test recorded a positive quicker than Steve's did. 

Our covid positive tests - mine is the top one..

Steve's positive covid test...

Where we spent a good few days...

Yep he's tested positive...
Poor Steve, not only did he have the headaches and brain fog, but he also had really high temperatures and aching body and muscles and he was actually bedridden for a good two days.  He was totally miserable.  I found it easier to sleep in the lounge chair, as your sinuses were so congested that when I lay flat in bed I just couldn't breathe..

Day 1 - His temperature got pretty high..

By the end of his second day in bed, his fever started to break, and we knew he was over the worst.

We have been house bound for the last seven days, and we are looking forward to breaking out and being about to get out and about again.   So much to do and so little time to do it all in before we go away.  

My only concern now, is that to hop on the plane to visit Pete, we must test Covid negative.  Not sure how we will go now, as we have since found out that we can still test positive to Covid for the next couple of months as the virus sheds from our body. 


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