Monday, March 21, 2022


 Woke up with a bit of a sore throat this morning.  It is a good thing that we are heading home today, as I really don't want to be around Steve's folk and pass on a bug.  This is definitely not something they need at this stage of their lives...

We ended up getting away around 9.30pm and had a pretty good drive through to Mirriam Vale where we stopped to pick up some crab sandwiches for lunch.  Whilst I went and bought them, Steve checked over the boat to make sure that his battery was still charging.  We ended up eating our sandwiches there before heading off again...

For years now, whenever we have traveled up and down along this highway, we have commented on how we much duck in and check out Awoonga Dam one day, well today we decided to do just that...

What a picturesque spot it is.  It is very green at the moment and it is a place that we would love to come back and maybe even stay for a few days..

One of the lookouts - great views over the lake..

Some great facilities here for picnicing.  They even have gas BBQ's so it would be a lovely spot to have a family day at...

Pity we didn't have a bit more time.  We even had the boat with us...  

It seems that people are starting a bit of a love lock on the lookout here.  There are quite a few locks now being added to the rail of the lookout.  A little like some of the bridges we came across in Europe.  Wonder how long it will take for this lookout to be filled with locks...  Some of them are quite recent...
Steve checking out some of the locks...

From here we headed further down the track to try and find the boat ramp.  We did come across another lovely picnic area, but it had a rather steep road going down into it, and there was a sign saying that you couldn't tow down there so that ruled out exploring it for us...

The boat ramp was another couple of kilometres up the road.  The boat ramp was quite steep but at least we could turn around down there and there was so parking for bigger vehicles.. We hopped out of the car to read the signs and check out the ramp..

Once we left here and heading back out to the highway, we noticed another lookout on the otherside of the Caravan park that we hadn't noticed on our drive in, so decided to take the road in to see the view there.  It was great, it actually was a lookout over the wall of the dam.


Almost two years into retirement now, and have I mentioned lately just how much I am enjoying it.  Unfortunately we haven't managed to travel like we thought we would but hopefully that will all start up again soon. 

I am glad though that we have time these days to do things on the spare of the momment... Little adventures like we have had today really are some of our best adventures...


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