Monday, March 21, 2022


I have finally been motivated to learn a new language....

My beautiful 3 year old grandson has been so excited about us coming to visit, until his Dad told him that he would have to speak English and use his english words when we came to visit... Suddenly he wasn't quite sure he wanted us to come...  I get it... having to think of the English words is hard work...

I know how hard it is for me, but I have been motivated to learn Danish as I figured that I am always going to have Danish grandchildren who are going to be bilingual, so I need to at least be able to understand them when they are speaking to me.  I need to make an effort also...

I was also motivated by my friend Barb, who has also been learning a second language now for the past couple of years and she has been really enjoying it...

She encouraged me to learn Danish through Duo Lingo..

Initially I was using the free version, but that didn't last too long, as you only get to make five mistakes before the app cuts out on you, and to successfully learn the language, you need to be able to spend at least a hour a day learning it and you need lots of repetition.

In the end, I decided the spend the $130 for a years unlimited use of the app..

Practicing my Duo Lingo

One good thing about being house bound for the past week means that I have been able to spend a lot more time doing my Danish...  I am starting to feel a little more confident with it and I am finding it easier to translate the text now...

I am still having a lot of trouble though when it comes to transcribing the spoken words.  I still am not detecting the soft letter sounds, like j, d, and g..

I have also got myself a notebook and find now that if I write down each sentence in both the english and the danish, that I remember it a lot more plus it also helps with the spelling of these strange words.  It has definitely been helping, as initially I was finding it really hard to do the written tasks.  I still think they have a strange way of spelling things though..

Developing my own text book..

Writing out each sentence..

My friend Barb also how me how you can achieve different levels... Initially when I started my language studies I had no idea about this, so I am working hard to be in the top 10  learners in my level.  I am actually worked hard to be in the top three these past couple of weeks...

So far I have worked my way up through the bronze, silver, gold, and sapphire level, and this week I am in the ruby..

We haven't got much longer to go now before we leave.  I am trying not to get too excited.  I hate the plane flight over, but i really can't wait to see my kids again...

I did manage to hit the top spot on the leader board for a few days, but there are obviously folk way quicker than I when it comes to getting the work done...


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