Sunday, March 20, 2022


 Steve's parents had quite a list of jobs for Steve to do when we arrived in Bundy.  We had also taken our big boat down, as Steve wants to get some stone guards made his trailer for when he heads up north to Weipa later in the year...

We spent Saturday over visiting with Steve's brother Dave and his wife Tina.  It was really good to see them and catch up.  This is the longest amount of time that Steve has spent with his brother in a very long time and I think they both enjoyed the time... 

In the afternoon all of their boys came home along with their partners and grandchildren.  It was so good to catch up with them all...

On Sunday we spent the day at Steve's parents so that he could get a few of the jobs done that they wanted done.. Mostly it was trimming hedges, weeding and poisoning their garden.  It took Steve all day to get the jobs done.  I spent the morning doing quite a bit of my Danish and then after lunch my sister Jude arrived over to pick me up.  We decided to head down to the beach for a couple of hours...

We ended up at  Bargara where we bought ourselves ice creams to enjoy as we sat on the beach front...

We ended up at the fish and chip shop right on the esplanade and I ended up scoring the most amazing Rum and raisin ice cream.  Steve would have LOVED it.  It was loaded with raisins...

an amazing ice cream - so good...

The rum and raisin ice cream had heads of raisins in it..

Jude ordered her favourite ginger ice cream.. She loves it also because of the huges chunks of ginger through the ice cream..

Big chunks of ginger

Jude enjoying her ice cream

We ended up sitting across the road in the park for a good couple of hours, just enjoying each other's company and the beautiful views and sea breezes..

There is something very satisfying about being at the beach...

beautiful day on a beautiful beach

It has been a lovely afternoon catching up...  We really should try and organise a family catch up more often...  A weekend in Bundy where we can take a trip back through memorabilla of our lives growing up.  Maybe that is what I need to organise for the near future...

A lot of work has been done on the esplanade since our youth, there are lots of lovely eateries around here these days, the foreshore is well set up for families.  Before leaving to head home we  needed to visit the amenities, so went for a wander along the lovely pathway.  It was great seeing families enjoying the great outdoors and I found a few things to photograph along the way...

The paths along the foreshore are littered with these little sea creature mosaics.  The work has been done by school students from throughout the district..

It was after 4.30 by the time we decided to head home.  Jude wanted to stop in at the Woolies supermarket before heading home, so that she could pick up something for dinner...  I was happy to go in with her, as I wanted to pick up a few snacks for on the road for the following morning...

A lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon...


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