Monday, July 4, 2022


 We are still on babysitting duties this week, so most of our time is spent close to home..  The boys are keen to play with us and love for us to build stuff with them.  Today it was all about building with their magnetic blocks.  They made all sorts of vehicles.  Elliot also loved it.. He loves all things with wheels.  Everything is a "biler" (car) and he is constantly playing with cars or trucks or vehicles.  Even as a 16 month old when these photos were taken, he is still keen to be involved in everything that Theo does.  Such a big little boy now...

Building a car from magnetic blocks..

Elliot lending a hand to build also.

Pretty happy with their creation...

Very happy with the car they have built..

Drives well too

Dancing to the Little Prince

Whilst the boy were busy building with the block,  I set about to pack us some morning tea as our plan this morning was to take the boys down to the beach for morning tea and a play..

Pete and Maria's new home is very close to the beach if you can call it that.  In fact it is so close that you can walk.  It is only around 900m and they often walk there. Today we drove down.  

Plenty of parking

Today we drove to the beach...

Their local beach...

There is plenty of places to park, a boat ramp and even a couple of jetties.  The beach is definitely like our great beaches at home.  Lots of rocks and sea grass on the beach and the sand is rather dirty, but the boys loved it down there...

It was quite cold down there and we were pretty much rugged up with coats and the boys had their gum boots on.  

What surprised us where a group of people who were getting into the water to swim.  They made us feel even colder just wanting them strip down to jump into the water...

It was cold so we couldn't believe out eyes when we saw these guys getting into the water for a swim...


They didn't last in the water for very long

The bridge just down from Pete and Maria's
Looking down the beach toward the township of Frederikssund...

Before taking the kids for a play we decided that it might be best to feed them some morning tea before they got to dirty.  There were several picnic tables around down here but we picked one that was close to the beach and water..

Enjoying morning tea down by the beach...


 Once we had finished our morning tea the boys were super keen to collect their buckets and spades and head for the beach.  I think they were more interested in being in the water than actually playing in the sand, and we were rather thankful that they had their gum boots on as both of the boys wanted to fill their buckets with water..  Steve and I was terrified that Elliot would take a dive into the water and get soaking wet.  Surprisingly he didn't and for the most part they managed to stay pretty drive.

 Theo spent most of his time filling his bucket with water, whilst Steve tried to interest Elliot in building some sand castles.  Elliot was more interested in knocking down every sand castle that Steve made.  

Elliot loved playing in the water, and as long as we had a bucket with water in it for him he was happy..
Theo was pretty happy to replenish the water in the buckets for both himself and Elliot.  As long as he was able to head to the water he was happy.  We on the other hand were quite nervous either of them would end up in the water and get soaking wet.  We hadn't bought any spare clothes with us...  Huge lesson learnt... Do not take the boys to the beach unless they are in their swim suits or have spare clothes...
Building sand castles with Poppy.

Theo was also interested in collecting some rocks and pretty shells.  As he was so interested in finding rocks, Steve introduced him to finding some small flat rocks so that he could teach him to skim them across the water...

This was a little harder to do, as there weren't too many thin flat rocks to be found, but Theo loved the idea of throwing rocks into the water...

Looking for rocks to skim with Poppy

Being investigators at the beach...

We spent a good hour of more just playing on the beach.  In fact I think the boys would have been happy to spend all morning there.  Unfortunately we were running out of time, as we needed to be home before 11.30am to feed the boys their lunch and put Elliot down for his mid day nap.  It was important for him to have his nap today as we were heading into Copenhagen to say goodbye to their apartment and finish the last few jobs that needed to be done there before the handover to the new owners on the weekend.

We finally managed to drag the boys away from their buckets and thought we would head down the beach a little and take them for a walk out along the jetty before heading home...

The jetty down at the beach..

Cleaning out the buckets and spades

Taking a walk out along the jetty.

This is the perfect time to visit Denmark.  The trees at the beach were all out in flower.  Everything here at the moment is alive and beautiful and we are loving seeing everything out in bloom...

We were a few minutes later getting home, whilst I got some lunch ready for us all, Steve got the pram ready and got Elliot's sleeping suit ready so that once he had finished his lunch we were able to put him straight down for his nap.  

It i wonderful in that mostly Pete works from home, so we were able to have lunch with him most days.  We are enjoying this...

Elliot went down for his nap pretty easily and slept for a good two hours.  Must have been all that fresh air from the beach this morning.

Once Maria got home, it was time to wake Elliot and then get ready to head into Copenhagen.  Pete was finishing a little earlier so that we could head in a little earlier as we were meeting with their neighbours from here for pizzas for dinner in the courtyard...

This was our first drive back into Copenhagen since we have arrived and we were a little nervous knowing that we would be driving in during peak hour traffic.  The drive was beautiful, we went the back roads rather than the main motor way, passing through village, and lovely green countryide.  We also drove through the forest and were mesmerized by the ground cover of wild spring flowers.  Such a beautiful time to be visiting this lovely country.

It was bittersweet to be going back to Pete and Maria's old apartment.  I really loved this place, it was so cozy and adjoined the beautiful Banana Park, but I have to say that it was definitely not the same without their belongings there.  It was an empty sell and didn;t have the character and homeliness of when we last visited.

We had a few cleaning jobs to do, Maria and I did most of these, whilst the Steve and Pete removed shelves and lighting.  In Denmark, the lights in a house of apartment do not remain behind, they go with the owners.  Anyway for good measure, and so we can remember, I took photos of the empty apartment.

There basement - this is where we stayed when visiting them...

Laundry and bathroom in their apartment

The cellar

Downstairs storeage area...

Pete removing the lights from their lounge room upstairs.

Their kitchen

Their living room

Dining room area.

Living area looking towards their bedroom

Pete and Maria's bedroom



Main entrance and hallway

Beautiful timber herringbone floorboards.

 We spent many happy hours socializing out in the courtyard in front of their apartment.  This visit we were there for the spring flowers and it was beautiful.  The first time we come, the roses were all in bloom so this time it was nice to see the tulips and daffodils...

Once the apartment was cleaned and we had finished there, we joined several of Maria and Pete's neighbours in the courtyard to dinner.  Pizza's were ordered in and we spent a lovely evening getting to know some of their neighbours who will I am sure remain close friends even now that they have moved.

It was close on 9.30pm when we left to drive home.  It was a 45 minute drive home and pretty amazing that even though we left at this time, it was still light when we got home.  We actually drove home watching the sun set. 


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