Wednesday, July 6, 2022


Our first weekend in Denmark was a busy one.  We were driving back into Copenhagen this morning, because Theo had his Gymnastics Presentation and Demonstration Day.  It was a little exciting that we were going to be there to see it.  We often get to watch our Aussie grandchildren at their sporting or school presentation day, so it was nice to be able to at least be there to watch Theo perform.

Elliot has just learnt to ride the little beetle..

Breakfast time before leaving..

As the children's car seats were still in our car, they drove into Copenhagen with us.  We had to make sure that we didn't loose Pete and Maria as we were following them in.  Parking was incredibly different new the venue as this demonstration was not just Theo's gymnastics club but all gymnastic clubs around Copenhagen,

We finally got a carpark several blocks from the venue and made the walk.  Maria had to take Theo straight to his club whilst I found seats for the rest of us...

Each club were given times for their presentation and before hand were able to warm up and practice in another room.  

They had club t shirts each each of the kids but Theo did not want to wear his at all.  He wanted to wear his own clothes.  It didn't matter what Maria did, there was no way he was going to wear it, even though all the other children had one he, he still refused...

Getting their t shirts and warming up..

Meanwhile the rest of us were happy just to watch the different groups warming up from the side lines.  Elliot was hungry so he enjoyed having his morning tea.
Enjoying his morning tea

Practicing their routines...

He was happy as long as his mum was standing there doing it with him. 

 We had great seats just in front of their practice area.  It was pretty special being there with them all...


 By the time we walked into the main auditorium and the children were lining up to start their presentation, Maria had somehow managed to talk Theo into wearing his new t shirt.  He still refused to take his other shirt off but was happy to wear his t shirt over the shirt he was wearing...

Initially Theo was a little reserved but it didn't take him long to get into his presentation and really enjoy performing...  He was right into it and super cute....

Maria finally got his t shirt on him..

Once they had done the floor work it was then time for them to use the apparatus.  He loved the trampoline and high vault.

 By the end of the presentation, Theo was so into it that he headed straight back out onto the floor and started climbing all over the apparatus and jumping on the trampoline.  He was the only child to do so.  He was ever so cute and we were so pleased that we were able to be here to see him perform..
It was pretty hard to tear him away when it was time to go and even on our way out both the boys found cylinders they wanted to play on...

We had a bit of a walk to get back to the car but at least this time we could take our time and enjoy Spring in the Neighborhood.  Everything is blooming and we stopped several times to enjoy the beautiful nature around us.  Theo was gorgeous and was picking Dandelions for us.  He was also showing us how to blow the seeds.  He really loves nature and flowers in particular and always wants you to smell the flowers and often picks flowers for you also...

The cherry trees are all out in Bloom

Even the weeds in Denmark are beautiful

Blowing the dandelion seeds

Once we were back at the cars, we had to decide where we were going to go and grab some lunch before we headed to Maria's brother Rune and sister in laws Heidi's for afternoon tea and dinner.  Theo wanted to go to McDonalds, so Pete plugged the address of one into our GPS and we belted the kids into the car ready to take off.

Theo is very fascinated by our sun roof and most times when the boys are traveling in the car with us, he liked us to open the sun roof and today was no exception.  He also wanted his dad to take a photo of us all through the sun roof..

The boys love us to open the sun roof..

Pete had selected a McDonalds that was on route to Rune and Heidi's.  The boys love McDonalds, the playground as much as anything and we found a table close to the playground so that they could have a play whilst we waited for our food to arrive.  

Lunch at McDonalds...

Our gorgeous Elliot..

Theo loved his apple juice..

After lunch we headed to Heidi and Rune.  They still lived at the same address but had moved apartments and were now in a ground apartment with their own little courtyard and outdoor living area.  We had to cross the river to get to their place and passed the Copenhagen Zoo, I got to snap a few photos on our way to their place...

Wildflowers in the centre strips everywhere...
The wildflowers were growing everywhere, along the sides of the road, in the centre strips.  There were an abundance of daffodils and tulips in flower and the whole country looked quite spectacular.  May is definitely the month to visit Denmark. 
Copenhagen Zoo

Fuel is expensive in Denmark, it was $3.20 a litre when we first arrived and by the time we left seven weeks later it had risen to $3.80 a litre.  Makes the prices back home not seem so bad after all.  

We spent a lovely afternoon and evening with Rune and Heidi, such a good time in fact that I forgot to take some photos.  Maria's family always make us feel very welcome when we come to Denmark and all love to get together with us.  They all really feel like family to us, especially as they really love our Pete and he is very much part of their families.  We are so blessed...

Beautiful cake for afternoon tea

 Rune and Heidi also insisted that we stay for dinner, and the boy all walked to the shop to buy some sausages so that we could grill for dinner.  The kids all had a wonderful play together and probably ate too much rubbish.  Fortunately Maria had bought their pj's and we were able to shower them and get them ready for bed so that they would fall asleep on the way home.  

It was probably around 9pm by the time we left, but it was still light,  We had an hours drive home and it was lovely.  The boys were asleep by the end of the street, well Theo was the first to fall asleep and it wasn't long before Elliot dozed off also..

Steve and I enjoyed watching the sun set as we drove home.  It really had been a lovely day.

The sun was setting as we drove home..

It's hard to believe that we have now been in Denmark for a week.  I just know that the time is going to fly.  Tomorrow we have decided to have a quiet day at home to let the boys recover from our busy week in preparation for them to start at their new daycare this coming week...


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