Saturday, July 9, 2022

DAY 9 - ICE CREAMS AND A VISIT TO SKIBBY..... Mondayn 2nd May, 2022...

 The day care process starts today.  Maria was taking Elliot for a couple of hours this morning so that meant that we were looking after Theo whilst she was with Elliot.

We had another Chiropractor's appointment this morning so therefore Theo had to come with us.  We packed some morning tea and a few books for him to read whilst we had our appointments with the promise that if he was a good boy for us we would take him for a surprise afterwards.

He was so good... We read him stories and he was happy to sit and wait whilst we both had turns having our adjustments.

It was only 4-5 days since our last appointment, but the trees in the square where we were parked were now fully out in bloom and were just stunning...  Contrast the beautiful white flowers with the vibrant blue sky and it took our breath away.  

Stunning - full bloom...

Theo  was pretty excited about his surprise.  He wasn't interested in getting toys, all he wanted was an ice cream... His most thing favourite thing at the moment.  Mind you it was not the weather for an ice cream, it was pretty cold outside so we decided to sit inside in the warmth.  Theo was stoked to get his own ice cream...

A happy boy - no sharing.... his very own ice cream.

To get to the ice cream shop we had to walk through Fotex which is a large supermarket much like Woolworths or Coles back home.  In Spring and Summer, most of the shops here, large supermarkets and little stores all have a huge assortment of flowers and plants.  They are almost like a nursery, and their plants and particularly flowers are very well priced.  That is something that is definitely a lot cheaper over here than back home.  Most bunches of flowers ranged from $2 to $6 a bunch.  In Australia we pay between $15 and $20 for a bunch of 10 roses.  In Denmark, we paid $6 for a bunch of 12 roses.  Consequently because of the cheapness of flowers over here we indulged each week and bought a lovely bunch of flowers to take home.  Today Theo picked the flowers that he thought his Mum would love. 

 By the time we got home, Maria and Elliot were home from daycare and it was lunch time.  It was nice that Maria was home with us this week.  Whilst Elliot was napping, Theo got to watch TV and Maria and Steve spent a bit more time in the garden whilst I prepped for dinner and then had a rest.

Mid afternoon we decided to go for a drive.  Steve and Pete had been for a drive the previous day to pick up some gardening supplies and had come home via the new bridge.  The canola fields were all in bloom and he was keen to take me for a drive to share it with me.    Spring is beautiful in Denmark, the fields were either lush green or vibrant yellow and I honestly don't think I would ever tire of seeing such beauty.

Everywhere you drove was a sea of yellow or green.


Once we had driven across the old bridge and done the loop that Steve and Pete had previously, we weren't quite ready to come home so we stopped to see if we could find a point of interest close by to go and inspect.  He found a place called "Karen Thanning Anderson" so as it shared my name picked it as a destination.   This farm as it turned out to be happened to be located on the outskirts of Skibby, so that i where we were headed.

Again the scenery was stunning.  The depth of green constrasted with the yellow was really breathtaking and we just drank it all in as we were driving along...

Lovely farm houses with thatched roof... still a novelty to us...

Acres and Acres of green fields like this..

Acres and acres of golden fields like this also..

We have arrived..
There really wasn't much to see here when we arrived.  It turned out to be a huge farm and lots of large barns.  Nothing that impressive at all  but the drive to reach here was where the real beauty lie.  It was stunning driving along the narrow country road.  From here we headed the couple of extra kilometres into Skibby itelf.

Skibby is only a small town with a population of just over 3,000 people and is only about 15 kilometres from Pete and Marias.  In Australia we are used to driving a considerable distance between towns.  Here in Denmark, most villages are only 7 to 10 kilometres from each other which explains why the speed limit on most country roads is only 80kms and then down to 50kms as you drive through these little villages or towns.  Like Frederikssund, Skibby is located very near the Capital of Copenhagen and is only around 39kms from the capital.  We are loving that the distances are short over here and you can pack lots of sightseeing into a day...

The trees are all in bloom which makes country driving wonderful

By the time we left Skibby it was getting onto 5pm, and even though the sun was still high in the sky, Pete and Maria like to feed the boys by 6pm to 6.30pm so that they can have them in bed between 7 and 7.30pm so we knew it was time to head back home...

Again we took a different route home and the drive again did not disappoint.  Fields and fields of green and yellow and then the rich blue water of the fjord as we crossed over to head home...

The approach to the big new bridge over the fjord

Again stunning views.  The birdlife was prolific on the water this afternoon...

Green Yellow and Blue - can it get more prettier than this.

It's been a great afternoon.  We are getting keen now to get out a bit more and do some more exploring.  We will probably only manage short trips this week, as Maria is keen for us to help out with the children whilst she slowing introduces them to their new day care which fortunately is just at the end of their street.  A five minute walk.  I think this has been helpful for the boys also to know that it close to home, especially in this time where they have had lots of new changes.


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