Friday, September 9, 2022

DAY 23, 24 & 25 - SOME REST DAYS BACK IN FREDERIKSSUND - Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th May, 2022.

 Steve's back is still pretty sore, so we have decided to have a couple of days to just rest at home.  Sitting for any length of time is painful and if we are out driving around, that makes his back quite painful, so we are hoping that by resting it, there might be some improvement.  

The boys are back at Daycare again this week, and we get to take them and then walk down in the afternoon and pick them up...

We are still enjoying waking up to morning cuddles with the boy...

We are loving being with the boys and love playing with them.  We love how even the simplest things amuse the boys... Elliot can spend hours playing with his pegs.  He loves them...

He loves his pegs...

After a couple of days resting, Steve's back was still pretty sore, so Pete suggested that perhaps we ring the chiropractor that he went to in Denmark.   He was struggling to understand why it wasn't getting any better...

Anyway we made an appointment and took the drive into Copenhagen to see this new chiropractor... Steve was pretty impressed with her.  She was able to pinpoint the problem. Apparently he had a fissure which is a condition that affects the inter vertebral disc causing a small fracture in the disc.  This can be quite serious if you don;t look after it.  She adjusted his back and gave him a series of exercises to do to strengthen his back.  He was also not allowed to do any lifting and needed to use his knees to bend.

She also didn't want him for sitting for any length of time, and suggested that we break our trip up home and take a little walk to help his back from ceasing up...

We decided to take a detour home via Roskilde.  We had read about one of Thomas Dambo's trolls being there so decided that today might be a good day to go and find it...

It would also give Steve a good change to take a walk.  

We wanted to find the giant troll Rune Rie who we read sits at the water's edge by one of the three Lynghøjsøs.  He is sitting with his fishing rod hoping for a good catch.    Thomas Dambo has built his works of art in the forests and you need a bit of a treasure map to find them.  You have the general direction but then you need to walk to find them...

Rune Rie has been built right on the water's edge and like all his sculptures serves more than one purpose.  His fishing rod holds a large rope and if you are up for a refreshing dip, (and I do mean refreshing as the water here is still very cold in comparison to what we are used to back home) then you can swing yourself into the water with her fishing line....

Rune Rie at Roskilde

I am pleased that I didn't do the walk with Steve as to get to the Giant you pretty much had to slide down this embankment.  Well walk down it but knowing me I probably would have slipped and slid down...
Steve with Rune Rie at Roskilde

One of the thing that Steve loved about this work of art was all the birds.  Lots of them had made nests in the wooden chips that formed part of his back....
We have now seen our second big giant since we have been in Denmark.  We still have quite a few more we want to see also...  this is just the start...

The walk was good for Steve, it turned out he had a good 800m walk to find the giant, so it was a good break before he had to get back into the car..

Elliot is at such a gorgeous age at the moment.    He has big shoes to follow and had got a hold of Poppy shoes and was wearing them in the house, even though they are his outdoor shoes..

On the Tuesday, Maria found a two wheeler bike for Theo on a Danish version of our Market Place and that evening I went for a drive with her to pick it up.  She got it for a bargain.  It is crazy over here as it is not dark now till after 10pm at night.  It was after 9pm before we took up to collect it and we had a 40 minute drive.

On our way home we got to witness and amazing sunset.  So beautiful...   Theo was already in bed and Maria had to go to work the following day.  She was going to let Pete give Theo is bike in the morning, but I managed to convince her to leave it until that afternoon when she got home from work so that she could witness him getting it also..

We were absolutely stunned at how Theo took to his two wheeler bike...  Pete thought that he might have to show Theo or support him as he learnt to ride a two wheeler bike.  Not Theo, he just hopped on his new little bike and took off down the street.  He just blew us away...

Elliot didn't want to miss out either, and wanted to try and ride Theo's old balance bike.  This he couldn't manage on his own and he needed his day to help him with this one.  He just always wants to do what his big brother does..

How I love these little munchkins....


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