Monday, July 16, 2012


I just had to document these photos of this beautiful baby.  She is Pete's puppy but we all love her so much.  In fact I think it is going to be hard for her to leave her new home with Sarah and Colin, and I think Sarah and Colin will have trouble letting her leave. Maybe she has found a new home, although I am sure that once Pete gets home she is going to go skitso too just seeing him.

Those beautiful big eyes

Our beautiful girl
 The cutest thing she does though is race to the window like this everything she hears the car coming down the road, and as soon as she sees either Sarah or Colin arrive home her little tail goes 10 to the dozen and you can see the excitement in her face.  They have trained her well, she races to the door to greet them, and then sits patiently until she is allowed to jump up to them.  So well behaved.

Peeping through the window
 Apparently, Colin's mum came across this little shirt, and of course had to get it for her.  I tell you she is loved by us all, and spoilt by us all as well. 

She loves her Mumma
 How can you resist this beautiful face
As she looks you straight in the eye.

A little spoilt - sitting up on the lounge. 

Enjoying a cuddle from her Mumma

Enjoying a cuddle with Sarah -  she is so well behaved.

Hello Pete - can't wait for you to come home. 
  I miss her,  she is your constant companion when visiting, that is until she hears either Sarah or Colin's voice, and it didn't matter how many cuddles you are giving her, she would be straight to their door waiting patiently for them to let her in.   This would happen each morning, if you were up first, she was with you until she heard Sarah or Colin's voice, and then she was yours no more. 
If a dog could be almost human, than this is Penny,  she has such a personality of her own, so gentle, so loyal and faithful, I honestly could have bought her home. 


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