Sunday, July 15, 2012


Poor Steve,  he has been looking forward to this week all year.    He even took a weeks long service leave so that he could go fishing with a mate and my second cousin Lloyd.  This is Lloyd's second attempt at coming up this way to go fishing with Steve.    They worked half the night, getting everything packed in the car and boat.  Steve's other fishing mate Charlie dropped in last night to see how the packing from this end was going.  Steve and Lloyd were going to leave at 6am, and Charlie was coming up after lunch.  By the time Steve went to bed last night he was feeling worn out, so the boys decided they would have a sleep in and head up with Charlie after lunch.

The only problem was,  it was almost 9am and Steve still hadn't surfaced,  now this is most unusual when there is a fishing trip involved.  Normally he would be up at the crack of dawn ready to go.   This was Steve this morning. 

Poor guys is so sick, he couldn't even get out of bed.  It was decided that Lloyd would still head up with our car and boat, and then when Steve was feeling a little better, he would drive Lloyd's car up. 
Now you know he is sick, when he didn't even have the energy to bat an eyelid when Lloyd took off at lunch time.  I guess the only plus side for Steve, was that he didn't need to unload all the gear and cart it up the hill in the rain.

I was feeling a little better yesterday, and was able to get up and do a few things with little rest breaks in between.  Chloe asked me yesterday morning could I help her with a costume that she needed to make for a fancy 25th Birthday party she had to attend last night.  She went off shopping for some material and arrived back at 3pm, and that is when I found out I had three outfits to make from scratch for a party that started at 7pm.  With a bit of a super human effort, and some help from the girls with pinning and cutting and ironing for me, we managed to put together these Greek Goddess Costumes.  They looked good

Taken with the Birthday Boy



 Think the girls looked fine considering that this was all done four hours before the party.  Chloe's and Tara's friend Grace also celebrated her 21st this week. so the girls helped her celebrate with a party earlier in the week.

Well I was hoping  I was on the mend, but it seems that perhaps I did a little too much yesterday as I have ended up spending most of today back in bed. Somehow I don't think I will be heading back to work as quickly as I hoped I might.  At least I don't have a fever today, but still feeling totally exhausted.

In closing, just wanting to say a big Hi to the Gilliviers in the States, we have been thinking of you guys all weekend, as we take it,  Pete is probably catching up with you all about this time.  Hope you are all having a good time together.  We are now counting the days until he comes home.


Angie July 17, 2012 at 1:27 AM  

Hi Karen!
We had a great time catching up with Pete but I think what he really needed was to catch up on some sleep! Poor guy was exhausted, but since Tuscaloosa is not the most exciting place on earth, this was a good choice for some rest and relaxation. :) It was wonderful seeing him and hearing of his adventures in South America and travels across the US. Ihope you and Steve are feeling much better and that Steve gets some quality fishing time in!
God bless...Angie

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