Thursday, July 12, 2012


Man I have the worst dose of the flu.... haven't had flu like this since 2008, and even then I don't think it was this bad.  I have spent the last 40 hours flat on my back, with raging fevers, aches all over,. bad cough, vomiting, chills.  In fact I am so bad this time that I have had to get Chloe to take some time off or work to take me to the doctors cause I am not up to driving myself there. 

I'm pretty sure I picked it up from my Dad as he was coming down with something the day I left.  Just hoping that my crew here at home don't pick it up.  It is a dousy dose.  This is my fouth day with it and I still can't get out of bed. 

A very quite weekend for me this weekend I think.

I also got some really sad news yesterday,  When I first stared working at school, I was the teacher aide with a beautiful young girl who had cerebal palys -  Although she was a quadrapelgic, she was the happiness child I knew, she had so much she could have whinged about but she lit up the room with her smile and her laugh.  I found out yesterday that she passed away on Tuesday. She was only 26.  I feel so sad today.  I wish I could attend her funeral, but it is tomorrow and I know that I won't be well enough to attend. 


Jane July 13, 2012 at 9:53 PM  

Hope you feel better soon.

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