Thursday, July 5, 2012


Last weekend, my girlfriends daughter Beth was married and we were invited to the wedding.  It was a great time to catch up with friends and family.

There is quite a special story behind this wedding.  It goes back to Christmas time when we were down on the Sunshine Coast visiting my parents.  Mum had just had some dental work done the month before and they were telling us about this wonderful young dentist they went to at Mooloolaba.  He was so kind to Mum and so helpful, that this really impressed my parents, so much so that they spoke about it to us several times.  In fact my dad made the comment that if wouldn't surprise him at all if this young man was a Christian - there was just something different about him. 

When Mum was dying in hospital, Dad told my daughter Sarah about this lovely dentist who was so kind to my Mum.  It turned out that Sarah knew this dentist, he was engaged to her lifetime friend Beth ( whose wedding we attended last Saturday)  What a small world.  I was very thankful that I was able to talk to Luke and thank him for the wonderful way he had treated my parents and for the lasting impression he had left on them, by his kindness and care of them.  He was just doing his job, but it certainly had an impact on two people I love very much.

The wedding was beautiful.  Quite different to most weddings, but relaxed, and friendly and the setting for it was just breath taking. Beth and Luke were so relaxed also and spent most of the afternoon and evening mingling with their guests.

The wedding invitation stated the wedding started at 3pm, so we all arrived to find that at 3pm they had a meet and greet over something sweet, so all the guests mingled enjoying afternoon tea, playing badminton and just chatting to each other.  The afternoon Tea (photos below) was beautiful, 

Assortment of finger foods and lollies in jars.
Beautifully set out
 They had a badminton game set up on the side lawn, and both the bride and groom had games with different guests.  
Lovely lacy Badminton net.

Entrance to the wedding
Around 4pm Beth left us all to go inside and get dressed into her bridal gown, before the guests all moved around to the front of the homestead.

Amazing views
Whilst Beth was getting ready, the guys assembled out the front and just chatted to guests.  I couldn't get over how relaxed they all were.  They didn't appear to have any nerves at all.
Bestman and Groomsmen.
The arrival of the Bridesmaids and the Bride.

The arrival of the bridesmaids
Dan and Beth
 The ceremony was very moving - their vows very personal
 They then moved to sign the register
 Beth wore a smile on her face all day... you could tell they were blissfully happy.

Very different to most bridesmaids, but their retro mix match of outfits actually looked really great together
There were some great photo opportunities after the ceremony and everyone seemed to have fun.


 We had photos taken with friends

Jenny, Eleonore and I have been friends for many years
 Managed to get some great photos of my daughter Sarah and her sister in law Brenda who was one of Beth's bridesmaids.
Sarah and Brenda and of course a photo with the bride too.

 The wedding was at Morayfield and the reception was at New Farm.  This meant we all had an hour and a half drive into the city to the Powerhouse for the reception.  Just a slight problem on a Saturday night as we hit the travel whilst trying to get into the city which I am sure made us all a little late for the reception.
Lots of old memorabilia with wedding photos of parents and grandparents
The reception centre was set up beautifully, the same old retro, shabby chic theme was set up there as well
Fresh flowers abounded everywhere
The tables were all set up with lots of fresh flowers, and herbs, strawberry plants - it all looked so good together.

It was a beautiful wedding,  the highlight for me was catching up with some folk I hadn't seen for over thirty years.  It is such a small world, it turned out that the I had been on several youth camps with the Grooms father, and a few or his uncles when I was a teenager.  I also met another man at the wedding that used to work for my dad almost 30 years ago.  He recalled fondly that it was the best job that he has ever had, and Dad was by far the best boss he has ever worked for.  It is really lovely to receive comments like that.   It was a great time of renewing friendships and spending time with old and dear friends.


Edleen July 5, 2012 at 12:44 PM  

Hi Karen!!! Ohhhh...Beautiful photos!!!
Weddings are a lovely occasion to witness and be a part of isn't it.

Hope you are doing great and Best Wishes for the month of July :)

Anonymous July 6, 2012 at 7:16 AM  

I love the wedding pictures.

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