Sunday, July 22, 2012


Well the boys arrived home yesterday afternoon from their fishing trip.  Steve missed the first couple of days because he had the flu, but I don't think he missed too much.  The first day, the others spent lugging everything up to the shack in the rain ( and I mean they had that much gear).  I am sure that by the Saturday night they would have been exhausted.

Sunday it rained all days, so being home in a nice warm bed, didn't sound too bad to me, but come Monday morning, even though he still had a slight temperature, there was no holding him back, and he took off mid morning with another young guys from church who was going to join them for the week also.  They did have another couple of days of rain whilst they were there, which in a way wasn't so good for the fishing, but the fresh water certainly improved the crabbing, and they all came home with a good feed of crabs each day.  Steve's comment was that he had never seen so many crabs up there.

The guys love this spot.... It was Lloyd's first visit to the shack and he just loved it.  I'm sure that if the guys organised another week, he would be there again. 

The Shack
 The views are always spectacular. 
Such a peaceful spot in Paradise.
 Inside the shack.... all the comforts of home, although a little worse for wear. 
The rooms
 Life up at Corio Bay
Give us light -  tucking into a good feed of crab sangas.
 Evenings around the campfire....   A good book, and plenty of time to untangle those lines

Passing the evening hours.
 It was very cold the last couple of nights up there.  Plenty of warm clothing needed to be worn.  Steve probably rugged up a little more thank the others, as he had been so sick earlier in the week.

Heading to Bed
 The highlight of the week for these guys though was the crabbing.... The pots were full each day,  now this is quite a delicacy, as to buy a mud crab in the shops, you are looking at close to $50 each, and they were catching them, cooking them and eating them most days.    They even managed to bring a good feed of them home as well so that we can all enjoy them also. 
Two very happy fishermen.

Lloyd was stoked with his catch.  He is used to catching spanner crabs rather than the good old Qld Muddy.
The Boys with their crabs.

Fueling up the Generator so that they could have power each night. 
Last night camping was freezing. 

Packing up to come home.  
The time just seems to fly when you are having a good time.  Their week of fishing comes to an end, and they all arrived home safely mid afternoon yesterday. They had a huge amount of cleaning to do when they got home,  but for Steve it is now back to work tomorrow. 

I must admit though, I love that these guys got the chance to have some bloke time together doing something they all enjoy.

The count down is on now until Pete get home,  only two weeks to go.  At the moment he is up in Canada in Toronto catching up with a friend he met at Taricaya in Peru.

In Toronto
 A few more days there and then he is off to New York for a week.    He has been looking forward to visiting NYC for as long as I can remember.    Then he flies back to LA, a couple of more days at the beach, and then he wings his way home to good old Aussie.  He is ready to come home and we are more than ready to have him home.  Can't wait for the catch ups and to hear more about his adventure.


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